EZ engages in the club during season 1 finale


The final of the Mayans ™ season was full of action and answers. Here is the complete detail of the last episode of Season 1.

Happy Lowman (David LaBrava) is back. For those who do not remember (or do not look) Son of anarchyHappy is crazy about the Californian chapter of Sounds, which has no respect for human life. It was a very much appreciated character in SOA, but that will apparently change for Mayan fans.

First, let's focus on the huge shock of the first half of the final. EZ and Angel were tasked with "eliminating" their cousin and former DEA agent Kevin Jiminez, who posed a problem in Lincoln, still so sneaky.

If you thought that Jiminez was going to escape, or that they would simulate killing so as not to kill a hero, you forgot how Kurt Sutter directs his television shows. Initially, Felipe wanted this done for his children, but he kept telling Jiminez to go north and be with his family. He later told Angel that he could not do it because he "is no longer that person".

While Felipe showed compassion and restraint, Angel and EZ had other feelings about the task. Angel was the first to confront Jiminez, knowing that what he had to do was bigger than him and his cousin. He arrived a few minutes before EZ, who might have saved his life by jumping and killing Jiminez's old boss, Bowen (Curtiss Cook), who was there to meet him during lunch.

Side note: Can we discuss how quickly the EZ trigger applies to the police? He is still learning the ropes in this new world of violence and crime, but he has the fastest finger on the planet when it comes to policemen. Hope this will not bother him in the future.

Fortunately for EZ and Angel, this time could have saved their lives. Angel did not know that Jiminez's DEA partner was there and probably would have been killed if EZ had not come. EZ took Bowen and even before Jiminez could get a word Angel finished the job.

Lincoln was not satisfied with the additional loss, but the act accomplished was enough to clear the EZ file from the criminal database that contained all the criminal information. However, he told EZ that he "owes him one," which means that further trouble is likely to come for EZ (and that we are taking more advantage of the brilliant / frustrating Potter).

Angel has a lot more trouble managing this whole situation than EZ. He is in a dark place and he makes it known to Adelita, his love, and to his father, Felipe. When Angel tells Felipe that he took care of Jiminez, Felipe immediately asks how EZ is doing. This obviously frustrates Angel, who has the impression of being let go to EZ all his life. Clayton Cardenas does an incredible job in describing the suffering that his character undergoes, all for his brother, that he thinks he is forcibly leaving the Mayan world after clearing his record.

Important meetings of the bishop

Unfortunately for Angel, EZ always has a length in advance. Towards the end of the episode, Bishop has two very important discussions. One with Marcus Alvarez and one with EZ. While we think that EZ is getting together to get out of the MC In fact, he asks Bishop to sponsor him, saying that the family problems between Angel and him are starting to weigh all his weight and that this should not decide his fate. Angel has no choice but to watch his brother get stung with the club (presumably, eventually).

The meeting with Alvarez was difficult for Bishop. One of his best friends and closest allies is hoisting himself into the world of crime. In the absence of Devante, Miguel Galindo needs a new adviser. In stages, the faithful and experienced Miguel Galindo. This is great for us, because it means that Alvarez, the regulars of the Sons and Maya will be much more involved in the coming seasons of the series as Galindo's right hand man.

The last moments of season 1

Back to happy. He and a few other Sons are in town to reach a gun deal for future operations. The Mayans organize a party attended by Happy and EZ. At first, most of us were happy to see Happy, a regular in the Sound series and used to series, until the photographic memories of EZ come back to haunt us all.

In the last piece missing in EZ's memories about the revenge of his mother's death, we discover the alleged murderer. After firing at the police officer, EZ ignores police warnings and continues after the person who, according to him, killed his mother. Before being arrested, he sees the face of the killer. It's happy.


Whether or not Happy is the murderer of Mother Reyes remains to be discovered. Maybe he was about to leave the vehicle, or maybe the vehicle had been stolen. Whatever it is, Happy will be a key element in EZ to understand how and why the murder took place.

More importantly, EZ is currently on the other side of the Mayan shipyard, next to the person who, according to him, killed his mother, leaving us with the cliffhanger of a lifetime. The start of next season is sure to provide fireworks, as EZ will have to face Happy and discover the truth about his mother.

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Other important moments of the final

There are points to remember from this incredible episode. Potter will obviously play an important role in the next season. He now (well, thinks he has) control of the Galindo cartel and can put his plans in place to face the rebels. He hardly knows, Adelita and Miguel are also partners and Miguel, now associated with Alvarez also, has no intention of simplifying Potter's life.

Other Son The favorites will also be prominent characters in season 2. Alvarez and Happy both seek to be regulars in the series, with a key story that surrounds them both. It's great for the Son of anarchy fans who appreciate the Mayans and all the fans who might not have seen Sonbecause these two characters are easy to love (to a certain extent).

Finally, things may be too good for Adelita and the rebels. In a scene with Adelita, she speaks to "her little mouse", who lives badly in a house and not in a tent, saying, "What if we had to leave?" Adelita assures her that she is safe and finds she sleeps on the floor instead of the bed provided.

This could be foreshadowing, because things are good for the rebels at the moment, but who knows what the future holds. They are still wanted by Potter and his group, and Miguel is probably still a little upset by the theft of his baby a few weeks ago.

If the fans of showrunner creator / designer Kurt Sutter know it, it's never too comfortable.

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