Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, loves former Roman Emperor Auguste


Zuckerberg's interest in ancient Rome began in high school and continued throughout his life. In addition to naming his second daughter August, he spent his 2012 honeymoon in Rome.

"My wife was making fun of me, saying that she thought there were three people on the honeymoon: me, her and Augustus," he said. "All the pictures were different sculptures of Auguste."

Augustus' mentality could be one of the reasons that Zuckerberg would have led his company to continue growing at any price, and the company was in the habit of ending some meetings by jokingly shouting "Domination!" When Facebook stopped growing with 50 million users in 2007, the executive created a "growth team" to focus on increasing the number of users, reported the New Yorker. Solutions included the addition of additional languages ​​to reach new territories, as well as the Federal Election Commission to exempt the platform from disclosure of funding sources for political announcements in 2011. It also opened its platform to external developers user data was not misused by former operations manager Sandy Parakilas.

Many of these growth strategies have resulted in Facebook's current problems, including how foreign countries were allowed to influence the US elections with manipulative content. The former Facebook security officer recently told CNN he would not be better prepared to deal with these forces than in the 2016 elections.

View Mark Zuckerberg's full profile on New Yorker.

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