Facebook data breach: European regulators could fine $ 1.63 billion


European privacy authorities plan to impose fines of up to $ 1.63 billion on Facebook's latest data breach, which revealed data from at least 50 million accounts. users, according to the report the Wall Street newspaper on Sunday. The data breach, revealed Friday, is a black eye for the social network because it affected users who used the site's "View As" feature, a privacy tool that allows users to see what their page is about. Facebook profile looks like visitors. including people with whom they are not "friends" on the site.

According to Newspaper, The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC), Facebook's main European privacy regulator, wants more information from the social network about the scope of data breach, including included information on affected EU users. The DPC said in an email to Newspaper he is "concerned that this breach was discovered Tuesday and affects several million user accounts, but Facebook is not able to clarify the nature of the violation and the risk to users to this stage ". The DPC also posted updates on his request on his Twitter account:

According to Facebook, the users' passwords are not revealed in the data breach, although the impacted accounts had to reconnect to the social network on Friday. Here's how to find out if your account has been impacted by Facebook's data breach, if in doubt.

In response to NewspaperIn its report, a spokeswoman for Facebook, said Sunday that the company would answer questions from the DPC and provide regulators with new updates.

It is unlikely that this issue will disappear soon for Facebook, because the general European regulation on data protection is much stricter than the US requirements for the protection of privacy.

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