Facebook deletes 800 more pages and accounts before midterms


The company announced this news in an article on its blog: "Increasingly", spam networks have begun to use "sensational political content – regardless of its political orientation – to create an audience and generate traffic on their Web sites".

"And as for the political activity that we saw, the news or opinions of these accounts and the sharing of Pages are often inseparable from a legitimate political debate," said the blog on Facebook.

However, a Facebook spokesperson would not tell CNN Business how many of the 559 pages and 251 deleted accounts were political in nature or were using a political message to increase the number of clicks and engagement. The spokesman pointed out that the company had taken measures "against the violations of behavior, not the violations of content".

Content violations included the use of fake accounts, the artificial increase in engagement, misleading coordination and driving people to ad farms, said the door. Facebook on CNN Business.

One of the pages deleted by Facebook, according to the spokesperson, was Right Wing News, a destination for news from the right. According to an archived version of this page, this page had more than 3 million subscribers.

According to a Facebook spokesperson, another page removed from Facebook was Reverb Press. An archived version of the page, which provided information on the left, indicated more than 800,000 "likes".

Since the election of 2016, Facebook (FB) has been the subject of scrutiny by lawmakers for allowing misinformation to develop on its platform. The social media company has also received numerous criticisms for failing to protect user data, most recently after announcing that millions of users could have accessed their information by hackers.
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