Facebook Hack Included Search History and Location Data of Millions


SAN FRANCISCO – Facebook said Friday that it had affected 30 million users, about 20 million fewer than it was earlier.

But it was probably more important than 14 months of history, but it was probably the most important breach of its network in the company's 14-year history.

Detailed information was published on 14 million of the 30 million users. They had "checked into."

Other personal details were also exposed, like gender, religious affiliation, telephone number, email addresses and the types of computing devices used to reach Facebook.

Facebook, english, french, english, czech, english, czech, english, czech, english, czech, english, czech, czech It was built to give users a move control over their privacy.

More than a week later, Facebook has been determined to be an attacker on its systems, focused on three interconnected vulnerabilities in the company's software.

Those flaws were compounded by a bug in Facebook's video-uploading program for a birthday celebrations, a software feature that was introduced in July 2017. The flaw allowed the attackers to steal so-called access tokens – digital keys that allow access to an account.

Facebook fixed the bugs and alerted users on Sept. 28 that the accounts of about 50 million users had been compromised.

In the days since, Facebook has scrambled to figure out how things went wrong, who could be responsible for the attack and what the attackers planned to do with the information.

In a conference call with reporters on Friday, Mr. Rosen declined to answer who could be responsible for the attack or how the information could be used.

Facebook is working closely with the Federal Bureau of Investigation on the hack. FBI. do not hesitate to contact the author for more information.

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