While testifying about the sexual allegations made against him, an emotional, Brett Kavanaugh, said his 10-year-old daughter had suggested praying together for her accuser, Christine Blasey Ford.

SAN FRANCISCO – Facebook has tried to hit the headlines in Washington after a series of scandals. But one of its leaders just dismissed the social media giant.

Joel Kaplan, vice president of Facebook's global public policy and close friend of President Trump at the Supreme Court, held a prominent spot among Brett Kavanaugh's supporters during the Thursday's political hearing on the Senate. Kavanaugh and Kaplan both worked for President George W. Bush.

Facebook declined to comment, but confirmed that Kaplan, a key advisor to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, attended the hearing as an individual.

The presence of a top Facebook executive has sparked controversy within the company among networks of whispered employees.

Kaplan's demonstration of support for Kavanaugh has also attracted the attention of journalists and women on social media. The majority of Facebook users are women. Many women were captivated by Thursday's hearing and even called C-Span to share their own stories of sexual assault.

Kaplan, who worked at the George W. Bush White House and Bush's 2000 presidential campaign, joined Facebook in 2011 and heads his office in Washington, DC.

His wife, Laura Cox Kaplan, has also been a staunch defender of Kavanaugh. Last week, she told CNN: "It seems that anyone can launch an allegation without corroboration or evidence and dismantle a person's career, his life and that of his loved ones.

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