Facebook restarts 'The Real World' to attract people to his video platform


MTV The real world is about to make a comeback – on Facebook.

The social network partners with MTV to launch the reboot of the famous reality show on its video platform, Facebook Watch.

Facebook is probably hoping that the reboot of MTV's long-time favorite, which began in 1995, will attract new viewers to its Watch platform. Watch, which was launched globally at the end of August, has been purchased by a number of publishers (including Mashable) but has not yet produced much success.

However, returning to Watch in a popular long-running series could help put the needle back in favor of Facebook.

"The real world has made history the world's first reality show and the world's first social experience, "said Matthew Henick, head of content management planning and strategy for Facebook, in a statement. We are excited to restart the show for the public today – to represent and amplify real life. people, real places and real social tensions in each country. "

The real world will also be one of the first international shows for Watch. In addition to its debut in the US, the series will also have seasons in Thailand and Mexico, all of which will be released in the spring of 2019.

Facebook's latest programming announcement also follows an article that says the company is building a dedicated decoder for streaming Facebook Watch content. Although the box is unlikely to be commercialized until next year, it shows how important it is for the company to have a video platform that can compete with YouTube and, increasingly, television networks. traditional.

Facebook is not alone in this regard. Snapchat also invests a lot in original programming. The app recently announced a new series of shows called Snap Originals, intended to boost Snapchat's credibility as a platform for more premium video content. Instagram, a Facebook-owned company, also recently launched IGTV, its long-running video hub, to compete with YouTube for the attention of influencers.

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