Facebook worries about the "concern" of European regulators regarding a data breach affecting 50 million accounts

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Viva Technology Show 2018, Startup Connect: Day One

Viva Technology Show 2018, Startup Connect: Day One2018 Chesnot

A privacy officer for the European Union has expressed concerns about a massive security breach affecting 50 million Facebook accounts, following a security update released Friday by the company.

The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) said that Facebook's initial notification to the regulator about the violation, sent Thursday, "lacked details". She sent questions to the company that could lead to a formal investigation and fines.

"The DPC is concerned that this breach was discovered on Tuesday and affects millions of user accounts, but Facebook is not able to clarify the nature of the breach and the risk to users for the moment, "the Commission said in an e-mail. statement to Forbes.

Facebook publicly announced the security breach Friday morning at Pacific time, saying that an unknown hacker had compromised the accounts of 50 million users, using a combination of three bugs.

Since the hacker has obtained keys to seize any account with the help of a Facebook account, the actual number of users involved should be greater than 50 million, according to the analysis of Forbes cyber security journalist Thomas Brewster.

One of the questions that the Commission has asked Facebook concerns the number of European users who have been affected, said a spokesman for the commission. "We are waiting for more information to see what will be the next step."

The Irish regulator enforces data protection regulations on behalf of the EU, as Facebook's European headquarters is based in Ireland. "We are responsible for regulating them from the point of view of data protection." Facebook has not responded to a request for comment.

With more details, the Commission could eventually decide to open a formal investigation into the infringement and determine if Facebook was violating the new EU privacy legislation entered into force in May, known as the name of GDPR.

The new rules state that companies must do enough to protect the data of their users or incur a fine of 20 million euros ($ 23 million), or 4% of their annual global business turnover. the previous year, paying the highest amount. The latter, in the case of Facebook, would amount to $ 1.6 billion, according to an estimate of The Wall Street Journal.

Regulatory fines generally do not reach such highs if a company cooperates with investigators, but an investigation and a possible fine could further undermine Facebook's attempts to regain the trust of users and regulators.

Facebook said it discovered the breach on Tuesday and informed the Irish Data Protection Commission on Thursday, meaning the company remained within the 72-hour disclosure period required by the GDPR.


Viva Technology Show 2018, Startup Connect: Day One

Viva Technology Show 2018, Startup Connect: Day One2018 Chesnot

A privacy officer for the European Union has expressed concerns about a massive security breach affecting 50 million Facebook accounts, following a security update released Friday by the company.

The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) said that Facebook's initial notification to the regulator about the violation, sent Thursday, "lacked details". She sent questions to the company that could lead to a formal investigation and fines.

"The DPC is concerned that this breach was discovered on Tuesday and affects millions of user accounts, but Facebook is not able to clarify the nature of the breach and the risk to users for the moment, "the Commission said in an e-mail. statement to Forbes.

Facebook publicly announced the security breach Friday morning at Pacific time, saying that an unknown hacker had compromised the accounts of 50 million users, using a combination of three bugs.

Since the hacker has obtained keys to seize any account with the help of a Facebook account, the actual number of users involved should be greater than 50 million, according to the analysis of Forbes cyber security journalist Thomas Brewster.

One of the questions that the Commission has asked Facebook concerns the number of European users who have been affected, said a spokesman for the commission. "We are waiting for more information to see what will be the next step."

The Irish regulator enforces data protection regulations on behalf of the EU, as Facebook's European headquarters is based in Ireland. "We are responsible for regulating them from the point of view of data protection." Facebook has not responded to a request for comment.

With more details, the Commission could eventually decide to open a formal investigation into the infringement and determine if Facebook was violating the new EU privacy legislation entered into force in May, known as the name of GDPR.

The new rules state that companies must do enough to protect the data of their users or incur a fine of 20 million euros ($ 23 million), or 4% of their annual global business turnover. the previous year, paying the highest amount. The latter, in the case of Facebook, would amount to $ 1.6 billion, according to an estimate of The Wall Street Journal.

Regulatory fines generally do not reach such highs if a company cooperates with investigators, but an investigation and a possible fine could further undermine Facebook's attempts to regain the trust of users and regulators.

Facebook said it discovered the breach on Tuesday and informed the Irish Data Protection Commission on Thursday, meaning the company remained within the 72-hour disclosure period required by the GDPR.

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