Fact-Checker says that Donald Trump is lying 30 times a day on average at the mid-term approach


President Donald Trump has begun to tell even more lies than before, said a reporter who was verifying the facts, referring to the commander-in-chief as already being a "serial liar".

"These are not just the usual exaggerations of the size of the crowd, etc.," David Dale, Washington correspondent for Canada Toronto Star, says Sunday the CNN television program Reliable Sources.

"He's inventing stuff in the last two weeks in a way that I do not think I've seen a serial liar, the president before," he added.

Referring to Trump's recent misrepresentations as "whoppers", the journalist pointed out that many of them were "complete fabrications".

Facilitator Brian Stelter then pointed out The Washington Post of the current account Since taking office in January 2017, Trump has made false or misleading claims since taking office. Stelter said in a recent article summing up the newspaper's total results, that the number had reached 6,420 in 649 days.

Dale argued that the term "lies" is "the most accurate term for some of these claims". However, he also said he personally used "false statements" to indicate that it is unclear whether the president is simply "confused". or "just does not understand politics."

Citing a recent example of Trump telling The Wall Street Journal he had "no tariff", although he introduced significant new taxes on foreign products in the intensification of trade disputes, said Dale. This is a categorical lie.

"I think that if we want to regain lost trust in the media, we have to live up to the readers," the journalist said. "We have to be seen as straight shooters, and I think in most cases the word is a lie," he added.

The recent analysis of The post office reveals that Trump's well-documented propensity to make false or misleading statements has increased significantly since the mid-term elections on Tuesday. In the first nine months of the presidency, Mr. Trump made an average of five inaccurate statements a day, according to the newspaper. In the past seven weeks, the president has increased this average six times, reaching about 30 per day.

GettyImages-1057308004 President Donald Trump addresses the media as he leaves the White House in Washington to attend political events in Georgia and Tennessee on Nov. 4. CHRIS KLEPONIS / AFP / Getty Images

"The burden of keeping track of this verbiage has absorbed the weekends and nights of The Fact Checker staff," The post office wrote in his recent analysis.

Eliana Johnson, national political journalist for politico, who also appeared before the CNN panel, said that many supporters of Trump were aware of his false statements, but nevertheless agreed with his underlying argument.

"The lies that are so obvious to us, I think, are obvious to most Trump voters," she said. "They understand that he's not a truth-teller, it's a serial exaggerator, and yet they agree with him on some sort of little problem he's talking about."

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