Falcon and Winter Soldier Getting a Limited Series on Disney Play Streaming Service


Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan will reprise their roles as The Falcon and Winter Soldier in an upcoming miniseries for the Disney Play streaming service, Variety reports.

Empire writer Malcolm Spellman has boarded the project, which is the third Marvel Cinematic Universe series to be announced but the first to find a writer.

Earlier this year, Loki (Tom Hiddleston) and Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) both had projects announced for the service.

Both characters have been Captain America in the comics during times when Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) was either dead or out of commission. Given the persistent rumors that Steve might die in Avengers 4, it might be a good guess that the series will riff on “Fallen Son,” a story from the comics that established who would follow in Steve’s footsteps after his death.

A follow-up report at Slashfilm suggests The Vision will also appear in the series, which likely means it will tie directly into the Scarlet Witch series.

Disney would clearly be pulling out all the stops with these series, as stars like Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen would be expected to reprise their roles for the series, and the production value of each series rivaling that of a feature film. ABC’s Marvel series, such as Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD or Marvel’s Agent Carter, have focused primarily on human characters, keeping the cost of each series relatively low. Over on Netflix, series like Marvel’s Daredevil or Marvel’s Jessica Jones have explored street-level heroes, which don’t require depicting supernatural occurrences or cosmic realms seen in the films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

In addition to these newly reported series, Disney has already announced that it will be delivering audiences the first live-action Star Wars series, which is being developed by Jon Favreau and is rumored to have a production budget estimated at $100 million. A Marvel series would likely necessitate a similar budget, making the upcoming service an ambitious endeavor.

The streaming service is set to launch next year and is intended to be the home of Disney’s vast library of programming, including Marvel and Star Wars properties, in addition to countless Disney classics.

Who would you like to see get their own limited series? Let us know in the comments below!

h/t: Variety

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