Fallout Journal on controversial stem cell research


the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) retracted a document and published an "expression of concern" regarding two others, written by former professor at Harvard University and heart-stem cell advocate Piero Anversa, MD

Earlier this week, Harvard and the Brigham & Women's Hospital recommended to various unnamed medical journals to remove 31 items from Antwerpa because they included falsified and / or fabricated data.

In an editorial announcing the retraction, Jeffrey Drazen, MD, editor-in-chief of NEJM, said that several of Antwerpa's co-authors in a 2011 article titled "Evidence for Human Lung Stem Cells" were asking to be retracted and that the institutions The investigation concluded that some of the images in the paper had been manipulated.

"The authors tell us that:" a review of the original data confirms this conclusion and allowed us to conclude that we no longer believe in the veracity of these images. As we have not been aware of this data manipulation for a long time. After the publication of the document, we now ask that this article be removed, "writes Drazen.

In a second editorial, Drazen indicates that the investigation by Harvard and Brigham also revealed evidence "compatible with image manipulation" in an article published in 2001 by the newspaper NEJM by Antwerpa, "Proof that human cardiac myocytes divide after a myocardial infarction ".

A second article from Antwerpa, published in 2002, titled "The chimerism of the transplanted heart" also aroused mistrust.

Both articles were written before Antwerpa transferred her laboratory from New York Medical College to Brigham & Women's Hospital in 2007.

Drazen writes: "We are communicating with the authors of the 2001 and 2002 articles as well as with the New York Medical College institutional leaders regarding the truthfulness of the data presented there." Pending the results of these communications, we are publishing this Expression The concern to indicate that the data presented in the articles named above may not be reliable. "

In 2014, the newspaper circulation retracted an article from Antwerpa and colleagues, "Cardiomyogenesis in the aging and failing human heart," citing a Harvard and Brigham study that determined the data is "sufficiently compromised."

N Engl J Med. Posted online 17 October 2018. Retirement, Expression of Concern

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