Family members of a victim question the prosecution policy


Following the continuation of the second state patrol that ended this year with an accident in Minneapolis, family members of one of those killed on Sunday question the wisdom of a dangerous pursuit against a stolen car.

"Something must change," Natasha Gunderson said Sunday morning on the scene of her cousin's death. On Sunday morning, 48-year-old Kimberly Gunderson died while a passenger in a van who had been transported by a stolen SUV whose teenage driver was fleeing state soldiers, authorities said.

The state patrol declared that it had canceled the prosecution before the accident, and that it was still investigating whether its policy had been followed. But the deaths have once again drawn attention to the protocols of police pursuits. In the United States, 72 people lost their lives between 1996 and 2015 in Minnesota, according to a report released last year by the US Department of Justice. Of these, 28 were not occupants of the chased vehicle.

The Minnesota State Patrol Policy requires the pursuit to be discontinued "when the soldier, fleeing motorist or other persons are in obvious and unreasonable danger".

He also says that a soldier should "give increased and continuous attention" to the interruption of a prosecution when the suspect is wanted for a non-violent crime or crime, can be identified and when the agents have enough information to get a warrant for arrest.

AnnDee Gunderson, another of Kimberly Gunderson's cousins, said she hoped the fatal crash would fuel debate on the politics and safety of prosecutions. "I keep thinking" Why? She said, wiping her tears, "Why do you have to lose lives with a stolen vehicle?

The call for change from Natasha and AnnDee Gunderson comes just three months after Kyle Peltier expressed a similar sentiment. Three of Peltier's children were injured when an SUV crashed on a playground north of Minneapolis following a prosecution by the state patrol.

City Council member Alondra Cano, who represents the parish where the accident took place on Sunday, said Sunday that she intends to review the way the police are taking care of the streets of the city. .

"I am very concerned about what appears to have been an intense car chase on residential streets that escalated into a situation that ended up causing three deaths," Cano said in an email.

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