Famous Nicki Minaj Notes: From Kylie Jenner to Cardi B


Nicki Minaj is not afraid of a little confrontation.

The rapper "Chun-Li" has been known to cast a shadow, directly call the haters online and put the bullies on the blast, both in person and in his music. Whether it's snapping celebrities, awards or comments on her music and look, Minaj always has a way to make her voice heard.

She masters both fiery responses and subtle nuances, and confronts famous musicians such as Miley Cyrus, Lil & # 39; Kim and, more recently, Cardi B. Although some quarrels have been questioned, others continue to flourish. Here are a handful of Minaj's most famous feuds.

Nicki Minaj against Cardi B

Cardi B and Nicki Minaj

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The bad blood between these two rappers began after collaborating on the title Migos "MotorSport" in early 2018. In May, Minaj expressed in an interview with Zane Lowe on Beats 1 of Apple Music that Cardi showed her "no real love" ungrateful to her during their time together. Later, Cardi tried to clear the air, telling Howard Stern on his Sirius XM that he "never quarreled with anyone, there was a misunderstanding".

The two rappers seemed to be on good terms at Met Gala 2018, even taking pictures together. "I talked to him at the Met Gala about it, and it's like, do you see?" Cardi told Stern. "It's just something that needed to be talked about because it was a problem."

Cardi was reluctant to talk about what had caused the whole drama, but admitted that she too had hurt the feelings.

"I will not talk about it, but I really feel some kind of behavior," she said. "My feelings were really painful, and I was just on some," you know what? That's why I keep it just for myself. That's why I can not be with anyone. "

But things seemed to have turned south on September 7, when Cardi had a physical fight with Minaj during the Harper's ICONS Bazaar party. An eyewitness at the event told ET that the rappers clashed around 11:30 pm. AND, when Cardi approached Minaj in the hallway of the hotel. The witness claimed that Cardi had attempted to "hit and hit" Minaj, whose safety had quickly created a barricade between the two women. According to ET's witness, Cardi then threw one of his shoes to Minaj and escorted him out of the event.

Cardi B Harper Bazaar Event

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Cardi then took Instagram to comment on the incident, although she did not give names. "I leaked a lot of sh! T! I let you sneak in, I let you lie on me, I let you try to stop me by the bags, f ** k the way I eat! " she wrote. "You threatened other artists in the industry, told them that they were working with me, you would stop them with them! I let you talk about me about me! once spoken in person, I sent you a second time in person, and every time you stopped pleading! "

Nicki Minaj vs. Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott

Nicki Minaj Travis Scott Kylie Jenner

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Minaj had it out for Scott after his album, Astroworld, was judged # 1 on the Billboard Hot 200 chart following the release of Minaj's album, Queen, in August. The hip-hop artist "Anaconda" accused Scott of using the fame of his girlfriend Jenner to promote his new music.

"I did not put my sweat and tears of blood into writing a dope album until Travis Scott asked Kylie Jenner to go on a tour to tell the ppl to come and see her." with Stormi, she tweeted. I laugh, actually. "

She also had a problem with selling merchandise and tickets for her upcoming tour with album downloads and considering them as album sales.

"What we will not do is let this self-taught f ** king sweater tell you that he sold half a million albums, because he did not know it," he exclaimed. Minaj. Queen radio on Beats 1 from Apple Music, referring to the rapper of 26 years.

She then went after Jenner, adding, "You're stupid, you know, you've got your friend king talking for you, and you're having your girlfriend selling cards, stop her, hit her."

A week later, Minaj made it clear that she had nothing but love for Jenner, adding that she could not knock her out to be standing beside his man. The beef seems to be installed between the three at the moment.

Nicki Minaj vs. Lil 'Kim


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Two rap queens trying to rule the same land. The rivals have taken veiled clichés over their records over the years, especially in 2011, when Kim released "Black Friday" – an obvious piece on the first Minaj title, Pink Friday – call Minaj a "clone Kim" and a "wannabe".

As for Minaj, his songs "Roman Revenge", "Tragedy", "Y.U. Mad", "Stupid Hoe" and "I Am Your Leader" are all supposed to concern Kim.

In 2012, Kim addressed their issues in an interview with iHeartRadio The breakfast club and again accused Minaj of copying her and not showing her respect.

"The problem with her is that she was very catty about it," Kim said. "I've never had a problem with her, I was always nice to her, she was a very obnoxious person."

When she spoke with ET in June, Kim drew inspiration from Mariah Carey to talk about Jennifer Lopez and said she did not know Minaj.

"You know, Cardi is my daughter, I do not know each other," Kim told ET. "But Cardi is my daughter and I'm so excited for my daughter Cardi.I can not wait until she has the baby.I love you, Cardi!"

But in August, Kim seemed to have put the tragedy behind her, but made a small visit to Minaj calling herself "Queen".

"God protects you [Nicki], I wish him the best, "she said at a radio interview with Real 92.3. "She did what she did until she was ready, let's hope that God puts his head to work because she knows what she's done. world will stop asking me. "

"I do not really care about that either." I was named [queen], I never named myself that. It's a difference, "said Kim," When the streets call you that, Biggie named me so. I did not call myself that. When you have to name yourself, it's something else, I would never call myself that.

Nicki Minaj vs. Taylor Swift

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The MTV Video Music Awards 2015 triggered this shock between the two artists. Prior to the telecast, Minaj had called MTV for snubbing "Anaconda" in the Video of the Year category because she was a different "artist." "(Different, in this case, did not mean lean and white.) Swift is offended and tweeted that it was" unlike "Minaj's" put women against each other ". Minaj later wrote Swift: "You do not have to read my tweets. I did not say a word about you. I like it just as much. But you should talk about that. "

Swift finally apologized, explaining that she was "missing the point" and then cheated on herself. Minaj then revealed that Swift had called to settle any misunderstanding.

"First, I spoke to Taylor Swift yesterday on the phone," she revealed during her appearance at Hello America at the time. "She was great, super, nice and she apologized." She said, "You know, look, I did not understand the big picture of what you were saying, but now I understand. "So, we are all good."

Minaj then invited the singer to join her during the VMA show to make fun of the brief quarrel.

Nicki Minaj vs. Miley Cyrus

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Never forget that Minaj called the former Disney Channel star at the MTV Video Music Awards 2015. Minaj hit the fear of God in the host of VMA Cyrus while she was accepting the prize for the best Hip-Hop video at the start of the ceremony, putting Cyrus in an interview for calling her "not too nice". New York Times.

"And now, back to that b ** ch who has a lot to say about me the other day in the press," Minaj said. "Miley, what's good?"

While Cyrus was trying to answer, accusing the media of manipulating his words, Minaj could be seen saying, "Do not play with me, b ** ch."

Minaj continued to answer the differences between her and Cyrus in an interview with the New York Times in October 2015.

"The fact that you feel upset about talking about something that affects black women makes me feel like you have big balls, you're in video with black men and you bring black women out on your scenes. do not want to know what black women think of something so important? "Minaj s expressed passionately. "Come on, you can not want good without the bad, if you want to enjoy our culture and our lifestyle, connect with us, have fun with us, twist with us, then you should I also want to know what's about us, what's bothering us, what we feel unfair to you, you should not want to know. "

Both seem to have since spent the past behind them.

Nicki Minaj vs. Mariah Carey

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In January 2013, rumors spread that Minaj talked about Carey American idol set, which led Carey to send a statement to Barbara Walters stating that Minaj had been heard saying, "If I had a rifle, I would shoot that b ** ch." Minaj denied this accusation.

Carey claimed that she had beefed up her safety after Minaj reportedly mentioned that she wanted to shoot down the place. This inevitably led Minaj to go on Twitter by slamming Idol producers, Walters and his companion Idol judge.

Both, however, were cordial while promoting the 12th season during the Television Critics Association's press tour. "It's a very passionate panel," Carey said. "I think there are a lot of strong personalities and that process started, I thought it was a possibility, there could be differences of opinion, the fight is what it is. American idolit's bigger than all that. It's bigger than something stupid. It's about the next superstar. "

"We are professionals," said Minaj when asked how they buried the hatchet. "Have you ever had a fight with someone you were working with?"

Both ended up leaving the show after this season. In 2016, during an appearance on Watch what happens liveAndy Cohen asked Carey if she could say three good things about Minaj.

After a long comical pause, the singer of "Heartbreaker" answered: "Can you?" We assume that they will not rekindle their friendship anytime soon.

As things happen between Minaj's last rival, Cardi, we know that this is not the last of Minaj's famous quarrels. For more information on Minaj, watch the video below.


Cardi B fights with Nicki Minaj at New York Fashion Week

Nicki Minaj says she's the king of loves Kylie Jenner after Travis Scott Drama

Kylie Jenner seems to avoid Nicki Minaj on the red carpet VMA Amid Travis Scott Drama

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