Fan Bingbing missing since July, rumor has it that Chinese officials arrested her



Fan Bingbing is perhaps best known in the United States for playing the Blink teleportation mutant in 2014. X-Men: Days of Future Past or to play a Iron Man 3 character in deleted scenes that were released in theaters only in his native China. Since 2013, Forbes has ranked the actor, singer and model among the highest paid Chinese celebrities. These pay checks led to a careful review of his finances, which could have had disastrous consequences. have not appeared in public since July as a result of accusations of tax evasion on the part of Bingbing, a report sponsored by the state has described as "not socially responsible" and rumors have reports his arrest by Chinese officials.

In May, the news presenter, Cui Yongyuan, of the former CCTV television channel, accused Bingbing of using "yin-yang contracts" to evade tax. A yin-yang contract illegally pays an actor an amount greater than that reported to the Chinese government. After the prosecution was released, Bingbing disappeared from social media and she was last seen in public on July 1 when she visited a children's hospital.

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