Fans of & # 39; Big Brother & # 39; are upset


& # 39; Big Brother & # 39;

Cries of Sexual Misconduct …

JC & # 39; Scooping & # 39; Houseguests' Vaginas

7/2/2018 1:36 PM PDT


A "Big Brother" houseguest tried to use an ice cream on the genitals of several of his roommates … and fans scream at the fault.

JC Mounduix was captured on the live feed live show trying to place the scooper in or around the private of some other actors – namely Kaycee Clark Kaitlyn Herman and Tyler Crispen .

At one point, JC told Kaycee to open her vagina because it "feels good". He also tries Kaitlyn, going under a blanket and trying to approach him … apparently against his will. JC also tries to pick up Tyler, who covers himself and says "no". Later, he was seen touching Tyler's genitals.

No roommate complains about JC's behavior – no camera, anyway – but many online fans are calling on producers not to discipline JC, or him kick out of the house entirely.

This completely recalls the boutous epidemic last year in the house "BB". We reached out to CBS for comment … until here, no word back.

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