Fans of 'Marvel's Spider-Man & # 39; want a Cel Shading filter added


spider-man cell

Marvel's Spider-Man is wonderful. Whether you're strolling through Manhattan skyscrapers, tearing up a Level B criminal, or watching Spidey share an intimate moment with Mary Jane during a cinematic, there's no question that the new PlayStation 4 exclusive is perfect.

But what happens if the filter is cel-shaded? Well, that's exactly what some fans of the game want to add to Insomniac Games.

A new Reddit message on the official sub-reddit page of the game titled "Who's with me for a shaded cel filter ?!" currently has 268 votes up after nine hours and a universal agreement that such a graphic addition would be, in short, unbelievable.

Although a Spidey and Manhattan cel shaded is awesome, some users point out that it would not be the easiest thing to implement. In other words, it's not as simple as simply pressing the filter button and it would require additional texture work. And if Insomniac Games has to redo most of the game's texture to add such a filter, well, such a filter will almost never happen.

However, there is an imperfect circumvention. As the user of Reddit's "sirbob809" points out, the studio can choose to use a shader over existing textures, then add outlines and reduce the color depth. This would not seem as good, but it can do the trick if it does not cost the game less because of the extra processing power required.

Another user adds that even though it's something similar to Uncharted 4: the end of a thief cel-shaded filter, it would still be a very popular addition.

Personally, I think Marvel's Spider-Man is superb, as is. However, a cel-shaded filter looks great, and could do a lot of things with more hardcore fans and even bring out even more parts of the game.

That said, will it ever be added? Probably not. But there is a chance that this will happen a little later when most of the game's DLCs will be available and that Insomniac Games will need another way to excite and engage fans.

Marvel's Spider-Man is available, exclusively, for the PlayStation 4. To learn more about news, information and media about the game, do not forget to check our previous cover and all things Spidey by clicking here.

And, as always, tap this section to share your impressions. Would you like to see Insomniac Games add a cel-shaded filter or would you prefer that it place its resources elsewhere?

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