'Fantastic Beasts': an intensive course to help you understand the end


Do not worry, this is not a Confused spell, but the new movie "Fantastic Beasts: Grindelwald's Crimes" can still be confusing, even for those who are more passionate about Harry Potter fans.

Part of this is apparently by design: It seems that author and screenwriter J.K. Rowling is trying a retcon, remodeling Potter's original tradition with new details. But cannon is still the key, and more than any previous Potter movie, this sequel to "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" requires you to read them – and keep them! – information from all books and fake textbooks, too. Here is an intensive course to help you understand the great twist of the film. (Spoiler alert: The events of the film finale will be discussed.)

The Dumbledores are at the heart of the story, revealed in the end. So far, we've been told that Albus (here played by Jude Law) had two brothers and sisters, Aberforth and Ariana. Aberforth became the bartender of Hog's Head and did not seem to get married or have children, happy with his goats. Ariana, however, had a more tragic story that is only briefly mentioned in the movies.

Long story: When Ariana was six years old, she was attacked by three muggle boys after she saw her doing magic she could not control. Aberforth told Ron and Hermione in the book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" that the attack "destroyed" Ariana: "She was never right to come back. She would not use magic, but she could not get rid of it: she was turning to her and making her mad with anger, she exploded when she could no longer control her, and she was sometimes strange and dangerous. But above all, she was sweet, frightened and harmless. "(Hmm, could there be an Obscurus at work here?)

Dumbledores' father, Percival, was seeking revenge for muggle boys and was locked up in Azkaban for being attacked. Ariana was then placed under house arrest – prevented from attending Hogwarts and allowed to go out at night. At the age of 14, she accidentally killed her mother, Kendra, in an explosion of uncontrolled magic. This left the young Albus angry and bitter at the thought of having to deal with both "a damaged sister and a lost brother", as he later says to Harry – and ripe for the influence of a friend eager to explore his dark side recently discovered.

When Gellert Grindelwald (Johnny Depp in the movies) was expelled from the Durmstrang Witch School, he went to a great-aunt's at Godric's Hollow and quickly became friends with Albus. Maybe more than friends. Together, the two young men dreamed of finding the relics of death (the magic wand, the resurrection stone and the invisibility cloak), whose possession would make a witch or a wizard the master of death. To show how different these two were: Albus hoped to resurrect his relatives, while Gellert wanted to create an army of the undead.

They also wanted to end the International Statute of Secrecy and make Muggles subject to witchcraft. Learning this, Aberforth was disgusted. He confronted Albus and reminded him that he could not lead a witch revolution. and take care of Ariana at the same time. Gellert, annoyed, used the terrible curse of Cruciatus on Aberforth. While defending her brother, Albus launched a duel with Aberforth and Gellert, but while the curses flew between them, Ariana was hit by a mortal and died.

Something to keep in mind here: if Gellert and Albus had a blood pact that prevented them from hurting each other, could Why did Ariana die? And why Albus must now break the pact with Gellert before confronting him again.

Gellert fled Godric's Hollow before Ariana's funeral and continued his quest for the Deathly Hallows and his plan to lead the revolution by himself. With a slogan invented by Albus ("For the greater good") and a stolen brother's wand, Gellert began to accumulate followers – and to commit mass murders. Looking for another weapon that could help him destroy Dumbledore – the Obscurus, a parasite that comes from suppressed magical powers and expresses himself with dark and destructive force – is what drove him to New York and Credence.

The guilt of Ariana's death tortured Albus to the end. Rowling's books and remarks tell us that her Boggart, representing her deepest fear, was her corpse. His greatest desire, reflected in the mirror of Esired, was his intact and living family. (Hitting a new note, "Crimes of Grindelwald" raises another desire: a meeting with Gellert, who is now separated from him.) On Ariana. And something else: the reason he put the cursed ring with the resurrection stone also came from his desire to see Ariana again. This regret – so far largely unexplored in the movies – can be the fuel of history now.

If Gellert Grindelwald tells the truth in the sequel to "Fantastic Beasts" – that orphan Credence Barebone (played by Ezra Miller) is a Dumbledore – new possibilities arise. Perhaps Aunt Honoria d'Albus (mentioned in "The Tales of Beedle the Bard", Rowling's book in the book of witch fairy tales) had children. Rowling may be changing Ariana's age (as she did Minerva McGonagall), suggesting that Ariana's attack was rape and that Ariana had become pregnant and had passed away. an Obscure. The child being a product of rape would explain his adoption, as well as the prophecy that speaks of a "cruelly banished son" and the "despair of the girl".

Otherwise, it seems really strange that Gellert is aware of an extra Dumbledore while the Dumbledores themselves were not aware of that. Hole in the plot, reparo!

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