Farrah Abraham pleads guilty to resisting arrest


Own? Farrah Abraham pleaded guilty to a charge of resistance, delaying or interfering with a peace officer following his arrest in June, and then responded to his conviction in a statement to We weekly.

According to Los Angeles Deputy Attorney General Peggy No, the Teen Mom OG Alum, who pleaded her case on Friday, November 2, was sentenced to two years of summary probation and five days of community service or delivery. Abraham, 27, also received the order to complete 12 hours of anger management and stay away from the Beverly Hills Hotel's Polo Lounge, where she was involved in the fight that led to his arrest.

Abraham said We in a statement on Friday: "I have finished my anger management, in respect of my probation, and I will not put myself in touch with people who do not have my best interests."

Farrah Abraham-talking-out-after-guilty plea to resist arrest,
Farrah Abraham leaves the court on November 2, 2018. MEGA TheMegaAgency.com

The MTV star was arrested on June 13 for detention and tort of assault, after a hotel security officer told the police that he was trying to intervene in a verbal altercation between Abraham and some guests. She allegedly hit the policeman in the face with her forearm, grabbed her ear and pushed her, resulting in minor injuries. The police said We at the moment she seemed inebriated.

In a movie released by TMZ after the incident, Abraham was seen cursing police officers. "So, if you want to freeze bulls and if you want to pretend I'm not a real adult, go fk, go fk and go f k," she shouted the video.

The personality of the television is expressed after his release. "I will never believe the lies that people have to sell to win a dollar – thankfully, everything is recorded and documented, because I should never feel in danger and be targeted on a hotel I live in," he said. she writes on Instagram. "The Beverly Hills Hotel has really allowed an abusive staff member to behave abusively, so it is not necessary for me or anyone else to be treated that way.

She added, "Beverly Hills police officers should stop making excuses, lie and sell stories to TMZ."

Farrah Abraham-talking-out-after-guilty plea to resist arrest,
Farrah Abraham attends the front row of the Fashion Palette during New York Fashion Week: The Shows at Industria Studios on September 7, 2018 in New York. John Lamparski / Getty Images for Fashion Palette

His representative then insisted that the arrest was a "misunderstanding".

the My teenage dream is over The author initially pleaded not guilty to a hearing in August. "I do not need a criminal record. I'm not like other teen moms! "Said Abraham We at the time. "I do not think it's funny when other people are being bullied or harassed. I am a victim and that is why I am here. I just do not want to be a victim and accused of something wrong on my file. "

With the reports of Michelle Falls and Marjorie Hernandez

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