Intermittent fasting is a diet that runs between regular periods of fasting and fasting and has been associated with lower risks of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and aging. Watch the video to get a nutritionist on the best way to do it.

People have been fasting for years to Lose weight, but if we told you that the longer you fast, the longer you can live?

The idea may be difficult to find, but a new study from the National Institute of Aging (NIA) suggests that intermittent fasting could be the key to longevity.

A group of scientists from the NIA, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana found that increased time between meals improved the overall health of male mice and lengthened their lifespan. life. What is perhaps even more surprising, is that the beneficial effects on health were observed regardless of what mice ate or the number of calories consumed.

"This study showed that mice that ate a meal a day and thus had the longest period of fasting seemed to have a longer life span and better results for liver diseases and common metabolic disorders associated with diabetes." Age, "said Richard J. Hodes, MARYLAND

He said the "intriguing results" in the animal model deserve to be examined more closely.

What could we learn?

The researchers suggest that the results could translate into longer, healthier lives for people.

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"Extended daily fasting times could help improve the health and survival of humans," said lead author of the study, Rafael de Cabo, Ph.D. "But scientists are working to find out how long it takes to fast each day to see some of the benefits seen in animals.This is the next big question to be answered. "

To reach their conclusion, the experts studied 292 mice, separating them into two groups and closely monitoring the rodents' diet. A lot was fed with a low fat diet and of natural origin. The diet of the other group was richer in protein and fiber.

Each of the two groups was then divided into three subgroups: one with access to food 24 hours a day and the other with 30% fewer calories a day. The third group had access to food only once a day.


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The results?

"We think what happens is when you stop eating for an X number of hours, your metabolism goes into sleep mode, your body corrects and eliminates all garbage during this period," said De Cabo. "When comes the next meal, you are better prepared for the energy you are about to consume."

He said that when you eat continuously or have regular snacks throughout the day, your metabolism does not have the time to readjust or rest.

The scientist also said that fasting rodents had no obvious side effects and that mice that choked once a day were up to 40% longer than those who had access to food 24 hours a day. 24.

According to De Cabo, the next steps in this research include extending these findings to other mouse strains and to other species of laboratory animals using both sexes to identify the exact translation in the man.

Follow Dalvin Brown on Twitter, @Dalvin_Brown


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