Fasting can help you live longer, says new study ::


If you want a longer life, you may want to try fasting.

New National Institute on Aging (NIA) Study Suggests Intermittent Fasting Could Be Key to Longer Life

The scientists involved in the study – including those from the NIA, the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Pennington Biomedical Research Center – found that the time between meals improved the health of male mice. frequently.

Interestingly, these mice benefited from what they ate or the number of calories consumed, according to USA Today.

"This study showed that mice that ate a meal a day and therefore had the longest period of fasting seemed to have a longer shelf life and better results for liver diseases and common metabolic disorders associated with the disease. age, "said Richard Hodes, director of USA Today.

The researchers said the results could apply to humans.

"Extended daily fasting times could help improve the health and survival of humans," said lead author of the study, Rafael de Cabo, Ph.D. "But scientists are working to find out how long it takes to fast each day to see some of the benefits seen in animals.This is the next big question to be answered. "

De Cabo said researchers have studied the beneficial effects of fasting for centuries. Only recently have they discovered the benefits.

"Increasing daily fasting times, without reducing calories and regardless of the type of diet consumed, has resulted in an overall improvement in health and survival in male mice," said Mr. de Cabo . "Perhaps this prolonged daily fast period allows for repair and maintenance mechanisms that would be absent during continued exposure to food."

In 2017, researchers discovered that caloric restriction leads to a healthier life, according to CNBC. Research has shown that eating less often is similar to eating fewer calories.

And research has shown that fasting can be the key to fighting diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease.

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