The father of a February 14 shootout victim at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., On Thursday criticized Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh for claiming his life had been ruined by allegations of sexual assault.

Fred Guttenburg, whose daughter, Jamie, was killed in the Parkland shootout that killed 17 people, tweeted Thursday afternoon attacking Kavanaugh for calling himself a false accusation during hearings of the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday.

Kavanaugh was charged with sexual misconduct and assault by four women.

"Judge Kavanaugh, your life and your family are not ruined.Try to have a child murdered by a weapon you call a common use," wrote Guttenberg. "You will go through that and kiss your two children tonight."

Guttenberg made reference to Kavanaugh's opinion in District of Columbia v. Heller, in which the Washington, DC, appeal court upheld Washington's ban on semi-automatic rifles. Kavanaugh is dissenting, saying that semi-automatic citizens "routinely use semi-automatic rifles to defend themselves at home, to hunt and for other legitimate purposes."

Kavanaugh defended the opinion earlier this month when interviewed by Senator Dianne Feinstein.

Guttenberg tweeted Thursday night, calling Kavanaugh "partisan" for criticizing the Democratic senators in his opening speech Thursday for dealing with the allegations against him.

"Judge Kavanaugh, I listened to you talk about your life being ruined.It is not the case.I listened to you turn into a victim.You're not," wrote Guttenberg. "What has been proven today, is that you are clearly partisan and you do not have the court's temperament.Worse, you're only one." bad person."

Guttenberg tried to approach Kavanaugh at the confirmation hearings on September 4th to discuss gun control and to talk to Kavanaugh about the death of his daughter. Kavanaugh refused to talk to Guttenberg or shake his hand.

Guttenberg also called on Senator Jeff Flake a "wimp" Friday morning for announcing that he would vote to confirm Kavanaugh.

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