FBI Examines Tesla Model 3 Production Figures in Criminal Investigation: WSJ


Tesla said the company had not received "subpoena, request for testimony or any other official process", but the newspaper reported Friday that former Tesla employees had received subpoenas and requests for testimony.

Tesla struggled to increase production of Model 3, as promised, due to factory problems and reports of inappropriate working conditions. Musc set ambitious goals and made them stick to them, according to numerous media reports.

Federal officials are looking into whether the company has knowingly declared publicly impossible production targets, the newspaper reported.

Tesla shares fell sharply immediately after the release of the report, but rebounded to more than 3%.

In response to the Wall Street Journal report, Tesla said in a statement:

Earlier this year, Tesla received a voluntary request for Department of Justice documents regarding its public guidelines for the Model 3 ramp, and we cooperated to respond. We have not received any subpoenas, requests for testimony, or any other formal process, and the Department of Justice has not requested any further documentation for months.

When we started the model 3 production ramp, we were aware of the difficulty of this task, openly explaining that we could not go as fast as our least-lucky or least-performing supplier and that we were going into "the 39, hell of production. In the end, given the difficulties we had not anticipated in this unique production ramp, it took us six months longer than expected to meet our forecast of 5,000 units per week. Tesla's philosophy has always been to set truthful goals, not goals without goals that we would surpass, or unrealistic goals we could never achieve. Although Tesla is criticized when he is slow to reach a goal, one must not forget that Tesla has achieved many goals that have been questioned by most. We are extremely proud of the efforts made by society as a whole to break this difficult road and achieve mass production.

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