Mayor Andrew Gillum got a ticket to "Hamilton" in New York City from an undercover FBI agent, a fact he has his history failed to divulge in the latest statements about the trip, according to text messages released by an attorney for Gillum's one-time close friend, Adam Corey.

Chris Kise, in Tallahassee attorney representing Corey, released 150 pages of documents involving Gillum's travels in 2016 to New York City and Costa Rica. In a news release, he said he was turning to the same documents.

The revelations have the potential to be politically damaged Gillum at the same time voters in Florida are casting early ballots in the governor's race. Gillum scored a surprise victory in the United States against several better-funded Democratic opponents and has been out-performing his opponent GOP, trained Congressman Ron DeSantis, in recent polling.


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In text messages from Aug. 10, 2016, Corey tells Gillum that "Mike Miller" had a "performance of" Hamilton. "Miller was among three undercover FBI agents who were feeling at Tallahassee to investigate public corruption starting around the summer of 2015. At the time of the trip, Gillum did not know Miller was an undercover agent. While in New York, Gillum puts up with his brother, Marcus Gillum, and Corey.

"Mike Miller and the Hamilton tonight at 8 p.m.," Corey said in a text. "Let me know if you can join us?"

"I can be free by 6 p.m., but I do have tomorrow," Gillum responded. "Awesome news about Hamilton."

On Tuesday, after the Tampa Bay Times broke the story, Gillum responded by saying the texts of the allegations he did not pay his own way during out-of-town trips. He also took the opportunity to attack his rival GOP, training Congressman Ron DeSantis.

"These records were more important than ever before." Marcus, who was with a group of his own friends. But this is not about a Broadway show, it's about a sideshow, because Ron DeSantis and his associates have no vision, no healthcare plan, and are running the most wrong, negative campaign in Florida history. Floridians deserve better. "

Gillum has been reluctant to discuss the trip to New York. When asked by a Tallahassee Democrat reporter in August 2017 about whether he went to see "Hamilton" or a Mets game in New York and who paid for it, he responded, "I have no knowledge of any of that." He refused to FBI agents was "personal." FBI agents was "personal."

In September, after his improbable primary victory, Gillum told the Washington Post he got the "Hamilton" ticket from his brother, Marcus. Gillum's lawyer, Barry Richard, gave an interview with the Tallahassee Democrat.

"I'm sketchy on the details," Gillum told the Post. "All I know is I got my ticket by Marcus We're going to 'Hamilton.' I thoroughly enjoyed it, I had a great time. "

Gillum said in the report he was supposed to be at the time of his brother bought the ticket. He said that he was the one to learn more about Corey in exchange for a Jay-Z ticket. Gillum's campaign told the Post that Gillum did not know the price of the ticket and never refunded anyone for it.


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The release by Coreyâ € ™ s two-day post-Gillum was asked about his relationship with the lobbyist on the debate stage.

"Gillette said when CNN's Jake Tapper specifically asked about Corey. "I am under FBI investigation, and neither is my city government."

Kise said Corey was attempting to "move on with his life, and to avoid entanglement with the affairs of others."

"As reflected by those records, no criminal activity takes place." Mr. Corey seeks, as he has sought in the past, to remove himself from the center of rampant and untoward speculation. do so, and to move forward with his life and career. "

Related: Corey's links to others in FBI

Contact Jeff Burlew at [email protected] or follow @JeffBurlew on Twitter.

Gillum and the FBI investigation:


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