FBN Kennedy: Why Jim Carrey is wrong about socialism


It must be hard to be Jim Carrey. His precipitous fall of comic grace culminated in a thud as the rubber comedy, once brilliant, turned into a thick human hemorrhoid.

Carrey appealed to Bill Maher this weekend to extol the virtues of socialism.

What do these rich idiots do not understand about socialism whose so-called truth is more virtuous than freedom? Socialism is antithetical to freedom, because when it reproduces and develops, people die. The promise of socialism is a lie. Democrats apologize for this Marxist utopia because it's a proven failure with 100 million victims in its wake who have been murdered or starved because it's there that centralized planning endemic makes you fall: into the grave!

Carrey is interested in the effective empathy of the Canadian health care system, where wait times to see a specialist have increased by 128% since 1993, according to the Fraser Institute. This is not nice, it is inhuman. Maher talks about the military waste and the Pentagon programs that are socialist and unsustainable, but he wants to put freedom in the bag by adding more expensive programs, less sustainable and, all the more reason, we must cry socialism. do not allow it.

I have no problem with the reform of the army and rights, cost reduction increases freedom. What I do not appreciate is the multimillionaires who throw trouble into their political bath and who will lead to the most unfortunate end: death.

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