FDA approves drug to treat sweaty underarms


A topical tissue for sweaty underarms was approved Friday by the US Food and Drug Administration, giving people an easy cure for an often anxiety-provoking condition.

The company that produces the drug, Dermira, has announced that its drug Qbrexza is the first of its kind to be approved by the FDA to reduce excessive underarm sweating. It has been developed to prevent excessive sweat, a common condition that can leave people feeling embarrassed and can harm their social life. The drug will be administered in a wipe that can be rubbed on the skin every day to prevent the sweat glands from activating. It will be available for sale in October.

The manufacturer, Dermira Inc., declined to disclose the award, reported the Associated Press.

About 15.3 million people in the United States fight against excessive sweating, but only one of four seek medical interventions. Options to treat the condition include Botox injections, surgery to remove sweat glands, laser procedures and medications approved for other conditions that may mediate sweat production. and throat pain, and dry mouth, eyes, and skin.

In one study, 53% of patients reported that Qbrexza reduced sweat production by about half, compared to 28% in a control group using non-drug tissue, reports the pharmaceutical company

. during the development phase and talked to people who have lived with excessive sweating to understand their condition and find a solution. "We hope that Qbrexza will not only provide the clinical benefit that these people are looking for, but will help reduce the overall burden of their lives," said Tom Wiggans, president and CEO of Dermira, in a statement.

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