FDA Approves Overtreatment Treatment Of Qbrexza Sweat Prescription


The first drug of its kind to treat excessive sweating has been approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). The spelled Qbrexza, pronounced "kew brex zah", is a topical treatment applied once a day with an individually wrapped disposable cloth, much like a medicated wet wipe.

Excessive sweating, also known as primary axillary hyperhidrosis, affects more than 10 million people. Americans, according to Dermira, the maker of Qbrexza. The exact cause of hypderhidrosis is unknown, and other treatments include Botox injection in problem areas or surgical removal of sweat glands.

On the other hand, the medicine distributed by Qbrexza tissue will block the production of sweat by inhibiting the sweat glands. It will be available from physicians for adults and pediatric patients 9 years and older. Unlike some competitors, Dermira declined to disclose a price for the drug, according to the Associated Press.

The drug, which was approved on Friday, is expected to be available on prescription as of October 2018. Side effects may include blurred vision, constipation, burning and itching of the skin, head pain and in the throat and dryness of the mouth, eyes and skin.

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