FDA launches new anti-smoking campaign for teenagers


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The Food and Drug Administration launched an advertising campaign on Tuesday aimed at keeping teenagers away from vaping using special effects.

The unusual campaign, which FDA officials described as "irreverent", will target teens on social networks and even in school bathrooms, while remaining under the radar of adult smokers who would like to use electronic cigarettes.

FDA launches ad campaign for teens to scare them away
US Food and Drug Administration

The message: e-cigarettes deliver nicotine to addicts and toxins that could have unexpected health effects.

"We are acting on very clear scientific evidence that an outbreak is underway," FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb told a meeting of "stakeholders" interested in tobacco control.

The FDA and other health organizations have also taken a strong stand in favor of e-cigarettes, calling them tobacco products.

"E-cigarettes are now the most popular tobacco product used by young people in the United States," said Mitch Zeller, director of the FDA's Tobacco Products Center.

"We need to raise awareness of the dangers of e-cigarette use among adolescents."

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