FDA warns Vape Company against liquids containing erectile dysfunction drugs


A company based in China sold liquids containing Viagra and Cialis. The products were falsely marketed to appear FDA-approved and advertised to mean that they could treat erectile dysfunction. ( Lindsay Fox | pixabay )

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns a vape company against several violations regarding its products containing erectile dysfunction drugs.

What are the potential risks associated with the use of spray liquids containing drugs?

Viagra And Cialis In Vape Liquids?

On Thursday, the FDA issued a statement in which it announced that it had sent a warning letter to the Chinese company HelloCig Electronic Technology Co. Ltd., specializing in the manufacture of vape, targeting several FDA regulatory violations. Clearly, the company manufactures two products containing tadalafil and / or undeclared sildenafil, the active pharmaceutical ingredients of drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

These drugs are approved by the FDA as drugs but they are not approved for inclusion in the sprays and are therefore considered to be sold illegally. In addition, the agency learned that the company was marketing the products to mislead consumers into believing that the adulterated spray liquids were FDA approved, placing vials and Cialis pills next to them. their product.

In fact, one of the products involved even calls E-Cialis, which contains both tadalafil and sildenafil, while the other one calls E-Rimonabant, which contains sildenafil. In addition, another product is being announced alongside Acomplia, an anti-obesity drug that is not approved by the FDA.

As it has been proven in the laboratory that vape liquids contain drugs, they are now considered new unapproved drugs.

"There are no e-liquid products approved to contain prescription drugs or any other medications that require the supervision of a physician," said FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD.

Risks Related to Using Vape Liquids with a Medication for Erectile Dysfunction

Brand Name Tadalafil Viagra and Sildenafil Brand Name Cialis are FDA-approved pharmaceutical drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Both are PDE-5 inhibitors that can pose serious risks, especially when they interact with other drugs.

For example, it may interact with the nitrates contained in medications prescribed for high blood pressure and may cause low blood pressure to dangerous levels, while those who take protease inhibitors for HIV should discuss the Using Viagra with their doctor first can increase the likelihood and severity of side effects.

In addition, common side effects of erectile dysfunction drugs may include, for Viagra, headache, sensitivity to light, indigestion, impaired vision, and nasal congestion. In rare cases, some have even seen everything with a shade of blue, while others have painful and persistent erections, heart attacks, sudden hearing loss and ventricular arrhythmias.

In addition, Cialis side effects may include a drop in blood pressure that may cause dizziness, fainting, heart attack, or stroke when it interacts with nitrates or alpha-blockers. Other side effects may include headache, stomach upset, muscle aches, stuffy nose, backache, redness, and dizziness.

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