Fear of cholera on the flight Algeria-France


An eight-year-old sick boy on Wednesday shot a cholera alert on a flight between the Algerian city of Oran and Perpignan in the south of France.

The child was one of the 147 ASL Airlines flight passengers who were kept in the plane for about an hour after landing.

They were finally allowed after disinfecting their hands.

Local authorities in Perpignan then said that after being hospitalized for medical tests, the child did not have cholera.

Algeria, a former French colony, was hit last month by its first cholera outbreak for more than two decades.

Two people have died and dozens more have been infected since the beginning of the epidemic, said the Algerian Ministry of Health in a statement released this weekend.

The French authorities have kept the details of all the passengers of the flight in order to monitor their state of health in case of confirmation of a case of cholera.

Cholera is spread through infected feces, often via water or contaminated food.

It causes acute diarrhea and vomiting, causing dehydration which, if left untreated, can lead to death.

One hundred and forty-seven passengers were kept on an ASL Airlines plane for an hour after landing due to a cholera alert

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