Fear the Walking Dead Season 4 Review of episode 14: MM 54


Bad things happen when you try to help people.

This was the ongoing theme of Season 4, Episode 14 of Fear the Walking Dead, as we explored the story of The Filthy Woman, and we learned some interesting things about Sarah and Wendell.

In addition, Morgan's efforts to bring the group to safety have put their leadership – and hope – to the test.

Dilemma - Fear the Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 14

Although The Filthy Woman's long story was not essential, we finally learned that her real name was Martha.

Thank God, this information has been removed. "The Filthy Woman" was too long for my taste. However, this removed the mystique surrounding the character.

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After many unsuccessful attempts to reduce help, Martha's husband died of injuries sustained as a result of their car accident. The help finally arrived, but not when she needed it the most. At that time, Martha's husband had been away for a long time – with his sanity – and since then, he has been unleashed fiercely and deadly.

It's awful to feel so helpless, especially when someone's life is at stake, but I'm not quite sure what led to madness.

Of course, losing a loved one will have an impact on anyone and trying to survive alone can be both physically and mentally stressful, but the fact that Martha completely lost her mind and went off to kill her seemed incredibly forced.

When you help people, they never learn to take care of themselves.


Perhaps there was an underlying problem, or Martha had a history of mental health problems, and a climax of some things that went wrong was simply pushing her to the limit.

Perhaps if the season dedicated an episode solely to Martha's story, she might have done a better job of giving substance to her character and helping to better understand what was attributable to her sudden psychotic breakup.

At least Martha's murderous montage was fun to see how she used each victim as a walker to kill the next. This explained why she gets rid of the walkers after they reach their goal.

It was also interesting to hear that it was Martha who had spoken to Morgan on the radio on Fear the Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 10.

As a result of this episode, I came back and saw this truck stop scene, and the voice on the radio was nothing like Martha, which was a surprising little revelation.

If you watch Fear the Walking Dead online, you can listen to it yourself.

I was english teacher. Led everyone on the wall, correcting their grammar. But words matter. When we left, they are all behind us.


Martha's backstage glimpse clarified her motivation for preventing the drop of the supply boxes and forcing people to help themselves, but that was very hard on the edges and felt squeezed.

That does not take anything away from Tonya Pinkins, who did a fantastic job with the material she was given. But to be honest, I would have preferred that his character remains shrouded in mystery.

Bracing For Impact - Fear the Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 14

Martha's attack against the truck was long, but everyone miraculously left with only a few cuts and bruises. How did Martha even know how to operate the van's guns?

In case you have not noticed, she is also a remarkably resilient woman. Do you know anyone else who could carry a rifle to the shoulder and brush it?

It's a hard English teacher out there!

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Not only did Martha get what she wanted by destroying the truck and preventing further drops in supply, but the sound of the blast caught the attention of some walkers nearby.

Now I am not sure about you, but I had a problem with the giant flock that followed the group to the hospital.

I know there must have been a sense of danger and a reason to bring the survivors to the hospital, but it was a little ridiculous to see the walkers follow the exact tracks of the group for miles. walkers.

Can walkers read the signs now?

Al wants his return

The dilapidated hospital was a new exotic place to visit, but I would have liked the group to spend more time exploring its dark, dirty halls and hallways. Hospitals are scary in general, and this episode had a great chance to turn 11. But it never went there and it seemed like a missed opportunity.

Although I do not go up to say that the time in the hospital was completely lost. Al was able to do what she did best and get information regarding Sarah's stay with the military and how Wendell found herself confined in a wheelchair.

I was ten years old. This kid threw a ball in the street and ran after. He did not see the car that was coming … I did it. I pushed him away. He rose … not me.


At first I was not a fan of these two when they were first introduced on Fear the Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 10, but I admit that they both grew up on me significantly.

It is for this reason that the rapid fire of information on Wendell and Sarah has somewhat worried me. Once we get involved in a character and learn more, it usually condemns them.

We know how you work, the showrunners!

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Although Sarah and Wendell are alive and well – at least for the moment – that can not be said of Jim, another beer-making survivor.

You will not see me shed a tear for him either. Even though Jim was not necessarily a bad guy, he did not have a lot of redemptive qualities for me to care enough about, whether he survived or not.

The crazy thing is that Jim would probably have done better on his own – as he suggested earlier – and now Morgan will have to deal with the repercussions of this decision.

Do you think Jim will leave his beer recipe with someone?

Let's eat some beef.


Morgan managed to put everyone on the roof thanks to Al who put the generators online. What are the chances that the elevator is at the exact floor where the group was at power-up?

Talk about a close call.

Not only was Morgan's leadership and hope severely shaken at the end of the episode, but the group is now stuck on the roof of the hospital with no escape plan.

I'm not worried about Al, though. As Luciana has said, she is an intelligent and ingenious woman. There is still so much that we do not know about her, so there is no doubt that Al will join the group. Maybe she will think of something and come to the rescue.

Busting Out The Big Guns - Fear The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 14

One thing I struggled with during this episode was the way Alicia completely gave up helping her friends who were clearly in grave danger so that she could take Charlie to the beach.

Of course, I understand that Alicia was trying to do something good for someone else, but leaving her friends for the dead was completely out of character. Especially for someone who desperately tries to honor his mother.

What happened to "Nobody went until they left," Alicia!?

Yes, I know that Morgan and the group could have gone in any direction, but at least make an effort, my daughter.

However, things finally went wrong when Alicia and Charlie fell on John 's hat and found John and Strand on the other side of the lake.

That means we may be getting more action with the next episode! It should be interesting to see how Alicia and Charlie try to get them off the island.

A helping hand - Fear Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 14

This episode had its share of strange narrative choices, such as the unrelenting pursuit of the flock and Alicia's desire for a day at the beach, but at least we learned a few key details about the beginners, even though there was no need for it. Martha's story left a lot to be desired.

Now it's up to you, Pirates-natures!

What did you think of "MM 54"? Does Morgan get right to the point and find a way to escape from the hospital? Will Alicia and Charlie be able to rescue John and Strand from the island – and the hidden alligator?

Hit the comments below and let me know.

Steven Ford is a writer for TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter.

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