Featured Margot Robbie, Patty Jenkins watched to lead


Warner Bros. takes control of the long Barbie Oscar-nominated actress Margot Robbie is currently in negotiations to produce and play in the film. If an agreement is reached, the film will be managed by Robbie's banner, Luckychap Entertainment – the same group producing the next Birds of prey movie for DC Films.

Announced for the first time in 2009, the Barbie The film has spent a good part of the decade turning around Hollywood like a hot potato. The project started at Universal, before moving to Sony, where Diablo Cody was hired to work on a script. Amy Schumer was chosen to play in the film in 2016 before giving up due to other commitments. Anne Hathaway was then chosen for the role of Barbie. The filming of the film was to begin this year in anticipation of an outing in 2020, before the rights are revered by Mattel, who sold the film rights to Warner Bros.

Related: Birds of Prey movie: Margot Robbie pushing to hire various co-stars

THR reports that Robbie is in talks to play the lead role in the film, with Wonder Woman Director Patty Jenkins would have been approached to lead, but negotiations have not started yet on this front.

It is unclear at this point what kind of Warner Bros. movie. intends to do using the Barbie Licence. Sony's previous scripts were apparently based on the idea of ​​giving a twist to the classic Barbie mythology, exploring the issues of feminism and identity in a modern world through the eyes of a character who has not always illustrated the ideals of feminine empowerment. It is also unclear whether Mattel took possession of these Barbie Scripts of them remained the property of Sony. This would be the usual practice, but Mattel could still advance with the idea of ​​a more proactive Barbie with interests beyond fashion and boys at Warner Bros.

It seems likely that the concept of such a Barbie The film would appeal to Robbie, whose most recent work focuses on portraying strong women. In addition to his work producing the Birds of prey film (in which she will resume her role as anti-hero Harley Quinn), Robbie will soon be in the role of Josie Rourke Mary, Queen of Scots as Queen Elizabeth I of England. It is also signed to play in Marian, a film based on the idea that Maid Marian has to lead a new rebellion against the new king, John, following the death of her husband, Robin Hood.

For more information: Mary Queen of Scots International Trailer: Ronan & Robbie Go to War

Source: THR

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