Federal government suspends prosecution of immigrant families at the border


Criminal proceedings for adults arriving at the US border with children have been suspended. Kevin McAleenan, US Commissioner for Customs and Border Protection, said on Monday that President Trump had signed a decree to end the policy of separating children from their migrant parents. the border with the children. These prosecutions were the mechanism used by the government to remove children from their parents and place them in detention centers. McAleenan said that no adult class would be exempt from criminal prosecution, but henceforth the border police will only return parents to the Department of Justice if they have a previous criminal record or if the property -being a child was in danger. "In accordance with the executive order, I have ordered the temporary stay of prosecution for families in this category while we work through a process with [the Department of Justice] where we can maintain the unity of the family while applying pursuit efforts, "said McAleenan.

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