Federal Judge Condemns Trump Ministry of Justice in Chicago's "City-Sanctuary" Case


A federal judge is lined up on the Chicago City side in his lawsuit against the city of Chicago, ruling that the Trump administration does not have the power to withhold federal funding from public security if it limits its cooperation with immigration officers.

The city filed a lawsuit against the US Department of Justice in August, after the ministry demanded that local governments meet a set of conditions to qualify for a federal grant. The conditions required local governments to certify that they would abide by a federal law prohibiting restrictions on the federal-local sharing of immigrant status information and granting Homeland Security personnel the right to privacy. access to local law enforcement facilities.

U.S. District Judge Harry Leinenweber on Friday approved the city, granting a permanent injunction against the three conditions the Justice Department sought to impose.

"Today's opinion in favor of Chicago and against the Trump Justice Department of Chicago and a major victory for public safety," said Mayor Rahm Emanuel in a statement published on Friday. "We will never be forced or intimidated to abandon our values ​​as a welcoming city." Welcoming immigrants, refugees and dreamers from all corners of the globe is part of the history of Chicago and our future, no matter the way the political winds blow in Washington. "

people in custody in Chicago, except when they are wanted under a criminal warrant or have been the subject of The police also can not allow ICE agents to use their facilities to investigate, and serving officers are not allowed to respond to inquiries from the police. ICE nor to communicate with the ICE officials for Chicago and reaffirms the city's position that the Attorney General does not have the power to create the conditions of subsidy that we have challenged Said Ed Siskel, company lawyer, in a Friday delivery

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FROM APRIL: Emanuel wins court decision in city shrine lawsuit "

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