Federal Judge Prevents Trump From Returning Immigrants From 4 Countries: NPR


A federal court in California has prevented the Trump administration from ending the temporary protection status program that allows immigrants from four countries to live and work in the United States.

The decision of US District Judge Edward M. Chen last Wednesday concerns more than 300,000 GST immigrants from El Salvador, Nicaragua, Haiti and Sudan.

The Congress was established by Congress in 1990 to allow residents of countries in civil strife or natural disasters to live and work temporarily in the United States.

Wednesday's decision was made following a complaint filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), alleging that the Trump administration had breached the constitutional due process and due process. 39 equal protection when she announced the end of the program, starting with Sudanese immigrants next month.

The injunction of Judge Chen comes less than two weeks after hearing the pleadings in San Francisco.

The lawsuit filed by the ACLU alleges that efforts to terminate TPS "were motivated by an intentional movement based on race and national origin against individuals belonging to what the President Trump has called it "hogwash country".

In his ruling, Justice Chen said that ending the GST would cause "irreparable harm and great hardship" to immigrants, many of whom have been living in the United States for at least a decade, have kept a job and raised families. He also stated that there was evidence that President Trump had attempted to terminate the program because he was motivated by "an animus against non-white and non-European aliens".

The lawsuit also alleges that eliminating GST would significantly change the lives of more than 270,000 US citizen children who have at least one parent with GST. These children would be forced to choose between the care and support of their parents and the rights and benefits of American citizenship.

Chen J. also stated that the government also failed to demonstrate how the continuation of the GST program would be prejudicial.

In a statement, Devin O 'Malley, spokesperson for the Department of Justice, said:

"The Court's ruling usurps the role of the executive in our constitutional order, and the Court holds that the duly elected President of the United States can not be involved in matters that determine the security of the citizens of our country or in the United States. Enforcement of our immigration laws. " The Department of Justice completely rejects the idea that the White House or the US Department of Homeland Security has acted improperly. We will continue to fight for the integrity of our immigration laws and our national security. "

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