Feinstein requests the cancellation of Kavanaugh's hearing after a new allegation of misconduct


Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) On Sunday called for the cancellation of Thursday's hearing for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, following a new report published by the New Yorker.

Debbie Ramirez, a Yale classmate from Kavanaugh, told the New Yorker that Kavanaugh was exposing herself to her and throwing her penis in the face while they were freshmen at a party in a dormitory.

"Thursday's hearing should be overturned in the light of another worrying allegation of misconduct against Brett Kavanaugh," she tweeted. "The FBI must investigate all allegations."

Feinstein also wrote Sunday a letter to Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) requesting an "immediate postponement" of the candidacy.

"I am writing to request an immediate postponement of any new proceedings related to the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh," wrote Feinstein in the letter, which she later tweeted. "I also request that the most recent allegations of sexual misconduct be referred to the FBI for investigation and that you join our request for the White House to order the FBI to investigate the allegations of Christine Blasey Ford as well as on these new claims.

In her interview with the New Yorker, Ramirez said that she "would think a F.B.I. an investigation would be justified ".

Other Democratic senators – including Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon) and Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) – echoed Feinstein's calls for an FBI investigation.

Merkley tweeted that Ramirez's accusations "present a pattern of conduct" that makes "absolutely clear" that Kavanaugh is "totally unfit to be part of the Supreme Court".

"The FBI must investigate these allegations and those of Dr. Blasey Ford," Harris said on Sunday.

Harris also noted that Mark Judge, a Kavanaugh's classmate who came to the defense of the candidate after Blasey became public for the first time with his own allegations, should "be compelled to testify."

The New Yorker play also included serious allegations against the judge.

Elizabeth Rasor, a former girlfriend of the judge, said the man was lying when he claimed there was no "cavalry" culture at Georgetown Prep, the high school attended by the judge and Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh was preparing to testify on Thursday about charges against Christine Blasey Ford, who said she had him flat on a bed at a high school party, took her in his arms and gave her hand to stop him from screaming.

Nick Visser from HuffPost contributed to this report.

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