FEMA tests Wednesday the text of the presidential alert at the national level


The majority of mobile phone users will receive an alert on Wednesday, Oct. 3 with the header "Presidential Alert" and the message "THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is required. "

The alert was originally scheduled to take place on Thursday, Sept. 20, but the test was postponed due to Hurricane Florence.

WEA was technically launched in April 2012, but it will be the first time that FEMA will test the system at the presidential level in hopes of solving the problems, the agency said in a press release.

The presidential alert is one of three types of FEMA WEA system alert, which also informs the public of extreme weather events or missing children, also known as AMBER alerts.

You can expect to see the alert appear on your phone at 2:18 pm. AND as long as your phone is on, within reach of a cell tower and your wireless service provider is part of the WEA system.

The WEA test will take about 30 minutes and sounds like an AMBER alert. Users can not opt ​​out of the presidential alert test, according to FEMA.

More than 100 operators, including the largest ones (Verizon, AT & T, Sprint and T-Mobile), will participate in the emergency alert test, FEMA said.

FEMA will also conduct an Emergency Alert System (EAS) test for radio and television on the same day, starting two minutes after the WEA test.

The law requires the agency to conduct a national test of its public warning systems at least once every three years.

FEMA is also responsible for ensuring that the President can alert the public in all circumstances in the event of a national emergency, including natural disasters and terrorist threats.

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