Fentanyl feeds record drug overdose deaths in Ohio


The deadly overdoses of drugs continue to increase in Ohio. In 2017, there were 4,854 fatal overdose cases, an increase of 20% over the number recorded in 2016.

Data on deaths from unintentional drugs reported to the Ohio Department of Health revealed that this mortality was the eighth consecutive year. The number of fatal coroner overdoses in the county was 804 more than the 4,050 reported the year before.

Cocaine-related deaths increased 39 percent, from 1,109 in 2016 to 1,540 in 2017, but the potent fentanyl drug fueled the drug epidemic in Ohio. The drug accounts for nearly 75% of deaths, killing 3,431 people, 46% more than the year before.

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid analgesic similar to morphine, but it is 50 to 100 times more potent. The Schedule II prescription drug is usually prescribed for patients with severe pain or to manage pain after surgery.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, fentanyl works by binding to opioid receptors in areas of the brain that control emotions and pain. Once these drugs bind to receptors, they can increase dopamine levels in reward areas of the brain, resulting in a state of relaxation and euphoria.

Given the risk of addiction, abuse and inappropriate use of fentanyl are dangerous. High doses of opioids, especially particularly potent opioids, such as fentanyl, can cause complete cessation of breathing, which can lead to death.

Drug Overdose Death in Ohio Reaches New Record

Spencer Platt


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The high potency of the drug also increases the risk of overdose, especially if a person using this medication is not aware that a powder or pill contains fentanyl. The drug is sold in the streets and can be mixed with cocaine and heroin, which amplifies the potency and potential dangers.

"Drug traffickers flood communities with different drugs to see what's going on. They are very smart business people, "said Lori Criss, CEO of the Ohio Council of Health Behavioral & Family Services Providers. Columbus dispatch.

Although the number of drug addicts on treatment has increased, the number of deaths is increasing as fentanyl is mixed with various drugs. Citing a state report on drug trends, the Collarumbus dispatch said the drug cartels continue to flood the Ohio fentanyl and that demand continues to rise as users find that the potent drug produces a high level.

The administration of Governor John Kasich has allocated more than $ 1 billion a year to the fight against drugs. It also invests in naloxone for first responders, education programs, specialized drug courts, and housing for recovering drug addicts.

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