Fernando Santos defends Cristiano Ronaldo after the exit of Portugal


Portugal manager Fernando Santos said he was able to "understand" the frustrations of Cristiano Ronaldo, who stormed the final whistle after his team drew 1-1. 1 against Iran in World Cup Monday.

The winner of the Golden Balon five times missed a penalty in the second half, which would have allowed his team to take a 2-0 lead and eventually win the match.

However, the match ended 1-1, with Iran scoring a late penalty to cancel a surprising goal from Ricardo Quaresma earlier in the second half.

In his post-match press conference, Santos is quoted by Sky Sports to say that "it's normal" for Ronaldo to feel so, while the best players in the world "refuse to". fail".

"I understand, it's normal," he said.

"The best players in the world face this when there is no opportunity to really do it, which hurts them a lot, more than for other players.

"They always want to win, they want to be the best and they refuse to fail – and when they fail, they are very upset."

Ronaldo narrowly missed a red card thanks to another VAR controversy, but the manager admitted that it was not something that worried him during the match.

"I was not concerned," he added. "It seemed normal in the match and the referee did what he had to do.

"He went to VAR three times and considered two penalties and a yellow card, I should watch him again to talk about it, but I think the VAR did his job and that's what we have to accept. "

Portugal will face Uruguay on Saturday in the round of 16, after finishing second in its group behind Spain, which also drew Monday thanks to VAR's many controversies.

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