Few big names expected at the Saudi conference and data on the US economy


Here is what to expect in the coming week:


What would be three days of meetings between world leaders and financial sector players will have fewer names in bold when the conference on investment initiatives in the future will open Tuesday in Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia. A number of large corporations and their leaders withdrew from the event after the disappearance and assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, a columnist of Saudi origin from the Washington Post. Officials from companies such as JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and BlackRock pulled out after Khashoggi disappeared in Turkey on 2 October. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin also said he would not attend the conference, as well as British, French and Dutch ministers.

– Randy Pennell


Ford Motor will release its results for the third quarter on Wednesday, as its stimulus plan raises more and more concerns. The Trump Steel and Aluminum tariffs have yet to reveal a comprehensive turnaround strategy, 18 months after Jim Hackett was appointed general manager to revitalize the builder. Reflecting the pessimism of Wall Street, its stock has fallen more than 30% this year, to fall below the $ 9 mark, its lowest level in nearly 10 years.

– Neal E. Boudette


Analysts expect Microsoft's profits to show a resurgence in the company's growth on Wednesday, driven by a surge in cloud computing, with revenues up about 13.5 percent from a year earlier former. Microsoft investors are most concerned about its Azure, cloud computing, which grew 85 percent in the last quarter, has become Amazon's leading competitor for web services.

The booming cloud market is one of the most profitable large companies that investors expect to see develop on Thursday in Amazon's results. Amazon's cloud, advertising and subscription offerings have become increasingly important and profitable enough to offset Amazon's investments in its resource-intensive retail business. Analysts expect the company's quarterly earnings to be about $ 1.5 billion, nearly five times the profit in the third quarter of last year.

– Karen Weise


The European Central Bank will meet Thursday to discuss monetary policy, in an economic environment significantly less safe than it was a few weeks ago. Italy defies spending rules of the euro area; President Trump's trade war weighs heavily on growth; and Britain seems to stumble towards a disorderly exit from the European Union. The situation is not so bad that the bank's board of governors should change its plan to phase out the crisis measures it has deployed over the last decade. However, Mario Draghi, president of the central bank, could give a more cautious assessment of the eurozone economy when he holds a press conference after the meeting.

– Jack Ewing


Alphabet, Google's parent company, is expected to release its results for the third quarter on Thursday. In the previous quarter, Alphabet has been fined $ 5.1 billion from the European Union for abusing its dominant position in the smartphone software market. In response to the European antitrust decision, the company announced last week that it would start charging handset manufacturers to install popular Google apps for Android phones in the European Union. Google will likely be faced with questions about how these plans may affect future results. By the way, Twitter is also expected to release its results on Thursday, and investors will be wondering if the number of monthly users will continue to fall.

– Daisuke Wakabayashi


The US economy jumped in the spring, with a growth rate of 4.2% in the second quarter, the best rating since 2014. Do not expect a repeat of the Commerce Department's Friday release of figures from the US. third quarter: economists surveyed by FactSet expect the report indicates a more modest growth rate of 3.3%. Nevertheless, the economy seems on track for its best annual performance over more than 10 years. Many economists expect that growth will slow down later this year and early next year, as the effects of tax cuts and increased spending Government will mitigate. But this slowdown, if it occurs, will not manifest until after the November mid-term elections, where Republicans rely on the economy to help them delay a "blue wave" of democratic victories.

– Ben Casselman


Italy's ability to borrow money could suffer another shock as Standard & Poor's updates its country's debt rating on Friday. The decision, expected after the markets close, will come a week after Moody's downgraded Italian government bonds, far outstripping unwanted individual status, citing the government's spending plan. populist. Market interest rates on Italian debt have peaked for four years after Moody's decision, and could further increase if S. & P. ​​also emits a downgrade.

– Jack Ewing

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