FIL: Your week in review


From the terrible week Democrats cry to "Permit Patty" – and most points in between – it's time to revisit the week that has been. Personal Liberty Digest ® presents: THE WIRE

A week for the Democratic Party. Maxine Waters threatened half of the country, was controlled by unions, failed to stop Trump's travel ban and learned that they were powerless to stop Trump. fill another seat of the Supreme Court

The last time someone else saw such a beating, Santa Anna had to dress up at the same time. San Jacinto's

exterior of all anger when Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced that he was retiring, guaranteeing that another conservative will join the high court. The Democrats have even promised to "block" all Trump's candidates, forgetting of course that they have no way of stopping them.

"The elections have consequences."

Democrats have tried to claim the seat of a Supreme Court judge should not be filled the same year as a mid-term election. Do these guys remember what's new from before 2017? Like, maybe, 2010?!?

Why? What was missing?

The entire late night left struck the ceiling, blowing Kennedy up for retirement at what they considered an inconvenient moment. Yeah! Where the hell is an 81-year-old man wanting to retire?

Without even consulting Stephen Colbert? Madness!

Kennedy's retreat prompted Whoopi Goldberg to take a psychotic break from henhouse "The View" this week when the actress shouted "STAY OUT OF MY VAGINA!" In front of a horrified audience.

Believe me, Whoopi. Nobody wants to be near the vagina

Remember in 2013, while the leader of the minority in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, had warned the Democrats not to filibuster. "You will regret it, and you may regret it much sooner than you think."

"I hate to say that I told you so, Harry, but -"
"Shut up, Mitch."


It took moments for political games to begin around the fatal attack on the Annapolis offices, the Capital Gazette of Maryland. The left accused President Trump, NRA, Milo Yiannopolous, and just about everyone in the GOP. But oddly, not the eagle with a grudge of seven years against paper

"The guy who really did it."

The media botflies have spread around bodies as usual. A CNN producer even attempted to arrange an interview with a Capital Gazette reporter, while the duo listened to the shooter's makeover

Out: "If it bleeds, it leads. "
In: "Always bleed? You're in the lead!"

Just to be clear: Every business owner has the right to fire someone from his or her establishment.

But you Hey, remember that the last time the Democrats asked for the right to keep "these people" out of their restaurants?


At least they did not completely lose their marbles

Wait … little imported.

Representative Maxine Waters (DA District She's Too Afraid to Live) ordered Democrats to "create a crowd to repel them and tell them that they're no longer welcome, no matter what." where, if they meet Republicans. " All of this is part of the new "See Something, Hate Some" strategy. What could go wrong?

(Pictured: What could happen wrong?)

Stephanie Ruhle, one of the most beautiful catches This week, who fretted the detained kiddies could turn into "Terminator-like characters" who "seek revenge." ¡Dios Mio! ¡El Terminador!

Latinos have been terribly underrepresented in the "community of future killer robots of time"

New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and New York gubernatorial Candidate Cynthia Nixon was among those who this week called ICE a "terrorist organization" and called for the abolition of the border security agency, created after September 11th. Tell people who watched the worst terrorist attack on US soil that guys trained to try to stop the next one is worse than those who committed the last one? Interesting Strategy

New Yorkers have about 3000 reasons to tell you to bend.

I do not mean to say that the Democratic Party has serious problems, but Pelosi's rat, MP Joe Crowley (D-NY), the fourth Democrat in the House, has just lost against a communist bartender 28 years old. We are witnessing the self-destruction of the Democratic Party in real time

Best show I've seen since Hillary Clinton's Pratfalls-Across-America tour in 2016.

And meet Alison Ettel, aka "Permit Patty". The ex-CEO of a company that made products like dog treats called the cops on an 8-year-old girl for selling water without a license in front of her San Francisco apartment. A rich and privileged white lady who fills the government on anyone who annoys and lives in San Francisco. Who reminds me of this?

It will come to my mind …

And that is your exam week! For the Personal Liberty Digest ® I'm Ben Crystal saying "See you next week, on The WIRE!"

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