Film directors discuss with TV makers about the destruction of motion


Even if you have a very good TV, it can be difficult to set it up so that meticulously taken and colorful videos do not look like a combination of soap opera and Saturday morning cartoons. Out of the box, most sets have features such as motion smoothing and various color enhancement settings enabled, with no easy way to configure images and TV shows as they were meant to be.

Directors Christopher Nolan and Paul Thomas Anderson spoke with UHD Alliance TV makers about standardizing a "reference mode" that would more accurately display movies and shows based on creative intent. SlashFILM to information through a letter sent by the Directors Guild of America which includes an investigation into what such a mode should entail.

"Many of you have seen your work appear on television screens with a different appearance than you actually had," says the letter. "Modern TVs have extraordinary technical capabilities, and it's important that we use these new technologies to ensure that our viewers see our work as closely as possible to our original creative intentions."

TV makers would be open to the idea, but would like to know the specifics of what would be important for filmmakers. The survey includes questions such as "How important is it for you to have a simple way to get the consumer TV setup similar to color monitors to view the content you have created? "reference mode" to call the same thing on different TV manufacturers? "

Nolan and Anderson are far from being the first to campaign against the smoothing of movements; Reed Morano started a petition several years ago to prevent this from being the default setting on TVs. "It's fair to have a fluid motion as one of the options in the picture settings on HDTVs because it's actually a great way to watch the sport," she wrote to the time. "But for literally everything else on television, it devalues ​​the look and gives the impression that it's a soap opera. If you care about the artistic integrity of the visuals you watch and enjoy the cinematography and cinematic experience, then you should sign this petition.

More recently, James Gunn, Christopher McQuarrie and Rian Johnson have expressed themselves openly on this issue. "You want the movies to look like liquid diarrhea, well," the Star wars: The last Jedi director said last year. "But it should be a choice you make, not a hoop that everyone has to go through to get rid of it."

It is not certain that this campaign will run smoothly, and it is difficult to imagine that one standardized mode is perfect for all films and films. But it is heartening to hear that TV makers are at least ready to listen to the filmmakers on the subject, and simply no longer make the Smoothing of Default Moves a big step forward.

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