Filmmakers from Netflix's Making a Murderer address their critics before the release of Season 2


The Emmy Award-winning documentary series, "Make a murderer" international attention on the murder of photographer Teresa Halbach in 2005 and on the convictions of Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey. The series of 10 episodes describes what some have described as serious misconduct by investigators and raises questions about the fairness of convictions. Avery had previously been exonerated by DNA evidence for a rape that he had not committed after 18 years in prison.

The second part of the series, to be broadcast this Friday on Netflix, will resume the legal battle after the conviction of Avery and Dassey and viewers will discover Avery's new lawyer, Kathleen Zellner.

Laura Ricciardi and Moira Demos are the directors of the Forbes series entitled "The most important issue of Netflix to date". The two men told "CBS This Morning" that they had not originally planned to do a second part but that they wanted to shed light on the phase of the process that followed the conviction. Avery and Dassey are serving life sentences – Avery without the possibility of parole – and both continue to maintain their innocence.

Halbach's car containing Avery's blood was found in his family's recovery yard and his cremated remains were found just steps from his trailer. Avery 's defense claimed that some investigators who had contributed to his rape conviction had constituted evidence and forced nephew Brendan Dassey, an apprenticeship disabled, to obtain false confessions.

"When we stop at the end of the first part, Steven himself says that he will continue to fight." Brendan's team is actually bringing the case to the court system Shortly after the launch of the first game, Steven received a new lawyer, Kathleen Zellner (…) She is the largest private lawyer after her conviction in the United States. 'really is not over,' said Demos.

The first part, although very popular, did not unfold without controversy. The former prosecutor, Ken Kratz, who ruled the case against Avery and Dassey, told "CBS This Morning" that the series ignores the prosecution evidence presented during the trial.

"It does not help much in the search for the truth.It is a function reserved for jurors, and that's what they did when they delivered their verdict." "said Kratz.

According to Ricciardi, Kratz refused to sit down with them for the documentary.

"Frankly, we gave the attorney the available antenna time … I had written to Ken Kratz in 2006 to invite him to participate." I have never received a reply direct to my letter, but, you know, we were lucky enough so many events were held in public, so we could film them and clearly explain Ken Kratz's perspective on the story, "Ricciardi said.

Another criticism of the docuseries was that she focused little on the victim, Teresa Halbach. Ricciardi says that they made an effort to include his family but they refused.

"So we understand that they refused.We respect that and, in light of that, I mean, whether they participated or not, our job was to tell the story in the way We have used records to show the distress of people when they thought that Teresa was in danger, "Ricciardi said.

In the end, for Demos and Ricciardi, the story is about Steven Avery and his "incredibly unique status".

"As a person who failed in the system in the mid-1980s and who is returning to it now, and in those 20 years, DNA has advanced, legislative reforms have been put in place, and a lot of talking wrongful convictions … It was a kind of opportunity to raise the mirror and watch the investigation and prosecution unfold.The question was, how would he be treated as an accused? said.

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