FilmStruck will close next month



Alexa, play "I'll never love again", from Ally Maine!
Photo: Joe Scarnici / Getty Images for TCM

*Wipe a single dramatic tear* WarnerMedia pulls the file on FilmStruck. Variety reports that the classic, rare and independent film streaming site will cease operations in the United States and abroad on November 29. In a statement, the company said that she was proud of this site, but that it was "largely a niche service." We plan to learn from FilmStruck's key lessons to help shape future business decisions in the consumer space and redirect that investment to our collective portfolios, "the release added, whatever that means.

On the website, the service indicates that current FilmStruck subscribers will receive an email containing details of the refund process, if any. FilmStruck was the exclusive broadcast house of TCM Select and the Criterion Collection. Star is born Beehive: this is also the only place where you can review the story versions of Gaynor, Garland and Streisand.

In a statement, Criterion said that, despite the end of FilmStruck, he will look for ways to put his library online in one form or another in the future.

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