Final "Big Brother": How did Tyler, the best player of the season, get his fill?


Tyler Crispen in the "Big Brother" house. (Monty Brinton / CBS)

From the start of CBS Big Brother season 20, Tyler Crispen dominated the game. A 23-year-old South Carolina lifeguard, Tyler was a talented physical player who won competitions. He was well liked. He had the ability to make people feel that he was on their side, despite the fact that "Big Brother" involves calculating the right moment to stab someone in the back, while competitors live together in a house and vote weekly. per week

But in the Wednesday night final, Tyler fell just before the win – in the last two, he lost to Kaycee Clark, the 30-year-old Arizona player, who won the $ 500,000 grand prize .

So how did the best player of this summer manage to keep his own game?

Viewers debated this as # BB20 was a global trend on Twitter for hours after the final. But one of the main reasons became clear: although Tyler was well-advised inside the house building trust and relationships with his competitors, he seriously miscalculated the best way to manage their outings once. that he rejected them.

Technically, the "jury" (the nine former guests who vote for the winner) is supposed to keep an open mind on the last two. As Big Brother fans know, it does not always work like that.

"Who has a bad taste in their mouth because of Tyler when they entered the jury room?" Asked the former candidate Will Kirby in the jury, at a sit-in in the final.

Scottie Salton (who was kicked out, beat himself to get into a house and was quickly ejected again) immediately raised his hand. Sam Bledsoe, who has always seemed distraught on the dynamics of the game, hesitated and then raised his hand. Brett Robinson, who was in Tyler's alliance and was blind when Tyler helped orchestrate his deportation, unsurprisingly.

Yet in the end, Brett has always voted for Tyler as the winner. Scottie and Sam did not do it. They voted for Kaycee and tipped the scales to his 5-4 win. Bayleigh Dayton, Faysal Shafaat and Angie "Rockstar" Lantry also voted for Kaycee, although it was not shocking – they have never been on Tyler's side. Scottie and Sam, however, floated between the rings and Tyler could have just as easily voted.

Unfortunately, Tyler made two critical mistakes. He was close to Sam throughout the match, tying her the first week she was unhappy and alone. He repeatedly told her to trust him, and she made it clear that she would follow him blindly no matter where. Of course, as the numbers dwindled, Tyler was finally forced to kick him out.

Sam insisted that she was not offended, but when she arrived at the jury room, she was shocked to learn that her loyalty was wrong. He was in an alliance of six people who did not include him. She and Tyler also had a "final two" deal; only he had similar agreements with three other players.

"I felt very safe that Tyler was going to follow through on our promise," Sam said sadly. "I've trusted Tyler throughout this game, and I do not think I'll give it back to him."

During the final, Tyler continued to dig a deeper hole. In his appeal to the voters of the jury, he revealed that he made friends with Sam because it was a "wild card" that he could use to protect him from enemies in the House. He also hinted that he was using Sam for a special power that she had won early in the game, which could help save a person from eviction.

In a post-final interview, Sam would have said she voted for Kaycee for personal reasons and wanted to give her money based on what she had learned about her story. However, Tyler's speech – which was supposed to impress everyone by explaining his strategic moves – could not have made her vibrate.

Scottie, meanwhile, also thought he and Tyler were buddies – until Tyler won the head of the household late in the game and was sent off. When Scottie was eliminated, Tyler decided to brag about his video message of goodbye.

"Scottie, man, I know we're joking a lot about not really knowing what's going on. But the truth is that I often know what's going on. I knew you were going home this week, Tyler told him.

It was not a big move, because Scottie was clearly piqued by this betrayal. As Scottie voted for Kaycee in the last moments of the final, he simply said, "It's all about loyalty and respect for me."

That's the thing with "Big Brother" – if you're a player who's making big moves, you have to convince the same people you ruthlessly kicked out of giving you half a million dollars. And Tyler simply could not achieve this crucial balance.

Fortunately, Tyler won another $ 50,000 as a finalist and was voted "America's Favorite Favorite" by viewers for another $ 25,000. But after an incredibly impressive match over three months, losing $ 425,000 more is really an unfortunate end.

Kaycee Clark, winner of season 20 "Big Brother" (Johnny Vy / CBS)

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