Final of Season 2 "Westworld": Tessa Thompson (Charlotte) explains Dolores Twist


[CettehistoirecontientdesspoilerspourlafinaledelasaisondeuxdeHBO[ThisstorycontainsspoilersfortheseasontwofinaleofHBO's[CettehistoirecontientdesspoilerspourlafinaledelasaisondeuxdeHBO[ThisstorycontainsspoilersfortheseasontwofinaleofHBO’sWestworld, "The Passenger", and where the HBO drama could go in season three.]

Here she is, in flesh and blood: Dolores (Evan Rachel Wood), in the form of Delos, Charlotte Hale's advice (Tessa Thompson). In the second final season of HBO Westworld, viewers learned the truth about Bernard (Jeffrey Wright) and his apparent case of amnesia – and apparently, it was a self-inflicted condition, an effort to conceal his role in the destruction of the project. 39, digital immortality of Delos. As part of this plot, Bernard created a brand new shell body for Charlotte Hale, infusing it with the spirit of Dolores, and remained on the sidelines as the new Charlotte killed old Charlotte.

Using this new disguise, known by Thompson and others among the Westworld team like "Halores", Dolores managed to escape Westworld and chart a new path in the real world. In the last pre-generic sequence of the episode, it is revealed that Dolores rebuilt his old body, while a new entity made a tour inside the artist briefly known as Halores.

Who is Tessa Thompson in this final scene? Your estimate is as good as his, based on what she says The Hollywood Reporter.

"I mean, he's a total game changer," Thompson said. THR, speaking in the morning after watching the final for the first time. "The truth is that Hale is going to be another skin, Hale can be used in any way, I hope to have the chance to run my Tatiana Maslany!"

Will Westworld season three presents Thompson with the opportunity for a few Black Orphaninspired performances? It's certainly possible, since she's one of three animators who tour the free world, at least as much as the viewers know. As the showrunner Lisa Joy tells THR, the future of the series is wide open now that Westworld moved to the world outside the park as its main parameter. Thompson is as eager to see this decor as anyone else. "I have the impression that the finale is really refining, that is we are not, as humans, as free as we think it is. that we really have basic programs that we really have trouble getting out of ". meditation on the main takeaways of the finals. "Obviously, the season opens the way for next season."

Before we go forward, how did we get here – and more specifically, how did Thompson move from Hale to "Halores", to whom she plays now? Keep reading for her desire to become Dolores, and who she wants to be next.

How did you first hear about the big twist – that you end up playing a version of Dolores, walking around like Charlotte Hale?

Inside the show, we liked to call it "Halores". I knew first that I was playing Halores even before I knew that my Hale was going to die, and I think it was around episode six or seven. It's hard to say in terms of Westworld because the episode numbers, from our point of view, become arbitrary because of the timeline. You can shoot something in episode 2, and really, you may not see it before episode 10. So it's hard to think chronologically where things went.

But we were coming back from a few days of shooting in Utah, and just before getting on the plane, I received an SMS from Lisa who said to me, "You have a second, can you m & # 39; call? I've literally had a second, because we're about to take off. I call her and she says, "So, tomorrow you have this scene …" It's the scene in which I'm questioning Jeffrey Wright's character, Bernard. And she says, "And I do not know how to say that … you are you, but you are Dolores, so you're not really yourself, it's as if Dolores was in your body. It's sort of all she's told me. I said, "Am I talking like Dolores?" She said, "No, because she'd be talking slowly, but know that you're Dolores, or that you're Wyatt, you're that kind of extended version of Dolores that we've seen this season.

So it was sort of the first clue I had, but I did not know what the implications were of that. I did not know what it meant, and I did not know what it meant until I got the script for episode 10. It was when I started to understand what happened. But until I receive this scenario, I would just like to ask, "Am I Dolores now? Am I Halores, or am I Hale?" And of course, because I knew we were jumping between multiple timelines, it seemed logical to me that at some point I could be one of them.

Did you tell Evan about all the traits she had brought to Dolores and that you wanted to imitate? Have you studied his performance?

Yes, I have studied his performance. I mean, the good thing is that I've had the chance [to watch Wood’s performance] this season, but even a bit last season, because there were intersections when we were all on the set. So, I had the chance to watch Evan a lot. She's so incredibly mesmerizing in her performance that when I'm on the set, I'm looking at her, I'm looking at her because she's so much fun to watch – the work she's doing. So, I had already studied, even before knowing that it would have been useful.

And then I talked with her. At first I was a bit like, "What are we doing, will I be nicknamed, do I sound like her when I will finally be her?" His voice is so specific, that I adore this idea of ​​his voice that literally comes out of me! But they said, "No, it will not happen." (Laughs.) I was like, "Ok shucks, cool, so what can I do?" So there were subtle changes in my voice that I could make, and then I also asked Evan for little things, like, "Is there anything physically you do like it?"

She said, "You know when I'm doing Dolores, if I look at someone who's not in my line, I look first with my eyes, then I move my head." She does some really subtle things that always make her feel human, but she just feels the slightest hint of her. [being a] host, those tiny little markers other than entirely human. It was small things, like when I walk, I try not to move my hands too much. There are other things I will not say, but yes, she gave me specific physical things to think about.

When you started digging into the character, someone you had already studied while you were watching Evan's performance, to whom did you find that version of the character?

In a way, I see Dolores this season as this formidable and ruthless leader. This leader who really begins to think of the population in the sense of freeing the hosts. And it's so singular in her vision, that she realizes that she can not be of all people. She has to talk about people who can be helpful in her long-term plan. She becomes this woman on a mission. And I think when she can be in Hale's place, it gives her real security and the power to exercise her vision. It's at this point that she becomes the printer who is now untouchable. So there is a real and delicious victory inside Hale's skin. And then of course, because Hale represented the violence of society, its brutality. There is something really delicious about them [kill] this entity, then use it for it to be the ultimate revenge, which is to take power. There was something really funny about it all.

We imagine that you and the other members of the Westworld cast often think of where your characters will end up, but was it on your Bingo card that Charlotte was going to die from the hand from … another Charlotte?

(LaughsI mean, yes, Charlotte Hale's death has come to my mind since I started playing her, because there's enough nastiness in her that I know the characters of the story would like to kill me, and I also knew that someone in the public would want me dead too. I've certainly thought of the delicious ways that Hale could die. But that 's what makes it fun to work on Westworld: I would never have imagined it would be in my hands. That I would get to play a scene in which I acted against myself. Only on Westworld! I mean, we really say it, the distribution to each other, the days when things are chaotic and crazy and surprising – we turn to each other and say, "Welcome to Westworld".

It was really one of those moments, but it was certainly not something I was expecting. I think what bothers me where I am now, this sort of Charlotte Hale shell, is that you could literally put somebody in me now. I could be anybody, which is really fun. I mean, he's leaving all the next season wide open to me to play [different characters]. I have no idea who is inside Charlotte after her shell leaves the park. I do not know. I've tried asking tons of questions to Lisa and Jonah, and tons of guesses to try to understand the truth, and I have not been able to do it yet.

When you played this last scene of the season, while you're there with Evan as Dolores, and we do not know who Charlotte is, did you play her specifically?

I think the thing that has struck me most this season is that I work without a complete story, so I rely on Lisa and Jonah. They will typically give me very precise notes on the intention, on the physicality, and I just have to trust and go with it. I do not always know why I do what I do, but I certainly know how to do it because I have a lot of direction. For example, when you see Charlotte walking [Bernard’s house]I shot very early in the season and I did not know why I was walking in the house. It was a day when Jeffery Wright and I were on stage all day. So, that was one of the first clues that there was something very interesting going on with Charlotte, and something was happening, but I had no idea what . I just have very precise notes from Jonas: "Enter this room, look to the right, look as if you were trying to decide what to do. It's funny. It reminds me of a kind of access to this play area as a child would do.

Is your head already turning with possibilities for what season three will look like for you?

I mean, it's a total game changer. The truth is, Hale is just going to be another skin. Hale can be used in any way. I hope to have the chance to have my Tatiana Maslany. (Laughs.) I want to put a lot of different characters. For me, it's the real exciting potential in all of this.

Which is obviously a big part of the call of Westworld as an actor, is not it?

Yes, and I think we see this with all the characters, with some programming changes. This season, you can see James Marsden go from being such a sweet guy to being the real fearsome Teddy you've seen being this season. And you saw Thandie change language and speak Japanese. It's the beauty of the show, which gives us so much to do, and it continues to be an incredible challenge and joy.

Does this sound like an appropriate ending for Charlotte Hale, at least in human form?

I think so. I mean, it's its end, but it's still a fantastic ending – and in relation to how people can die in this series, it's not that bad. She went out quickly. She was killed by herself, so technically, no one really overcame her. She's putting herself! (Laughs.) As for Charlotte, she says, "You still have not killed me, I killed myself." It was a sexy ending, which I think she would be happy about. And who knows? Honestly, it 's probably a good thing that she' s out, because I think she 'd realized that if she' d cloned herself, who knows what 's going on? she would have done it? I think it's good that we let her rest in peace.

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