Final score Dodgers vs. Braves, recap: Ronald Acuna, Freddie Freeman go far in match 3 and Atlanta stays alive


The Braves took a 5-0 lead in the third game of the LNDS against the Dodgers, largely thanks to Grand Slam by the rookie of phenomena Ronald Acuna Jr. on fellow rookie Walker Buehler. The Dodgers, however, retaliatedand a pair of home runs in the fifth tied. The pillar of Atlanta Freddie Freeman recovered the head with a solo circuit to lead the sixth. In the ninth, the Dodgers seemed about to return the script once again when the first two batters of the round would have arrived. However, Arodys Vizcaino resisted 3-0 against Max Muncy. Then he asked Manny Machado and Brian Dozier to continue the two-way sliders to escape the jam and give the Braves a 6-5 win at home. With the win, the Braves force a match 4 Monday in Atlanta.

Here's what you need to know about Dodgers Vs. Braves Game 3:

Freeman broke his drought

The first-baseman of the Braves franchise had a strong performance in 2018, but he did not show the usual power numbers in the second half (only seven of his 23 homers this season came after the break). By the time he entered Game 3, he had not dominated since September 19th. He had only scored four goals since August 14th. He then played against Alex Wood in the first pitch of the bottom of the sixth.

With this explosion, Freeman's drought was over and – more importantly – the Braves had regained the advantage in this "make or die" type game.

Dodger power was on display

The Dodgers of the regular season led the Dutch at home despite their home games in an advantageous stadium for the pitcher. So, you know that they can hit. The Braves learned this in the fifth round of the third game. Chris Taylor threw a two-point shot to reduce the lead to 5-4, and then Max Muncy equalized to the height of the following explosion:

Pity. In the regular season, Muncy collected 35 homers in just 395 shots, giving him two for the series. In addition, Machado just scored the fifth goal (then flies to the wall), then Matt Kemp almost ran to sixth (doubled).

The Braves finally scored

As you know, the Braves were laundered in games 1 and 2 of this series. This comes after scoring one point in the last two games of the regular season. For those who matter, it's a point in their last 36 innings. In the second run, they finally beat the Dodger pitcher.

An intentional march to Charlie Culberson charged the bases of the pitcher Sean Newcomb. Buehler, however, led him on four straight courses to force him to run. And with that, the drought of the Braves had ended. But, oh, they were not made …

Acuna does the story

In the second heat, Acuna, the Braves rookie phenomenon, crushed a Grand Slam against a struggling Buehler:

Buehler started 3-0 on Acuna, and what looked like the fourth ball was called a shot. This put in place the act of baseball violence that you saw above. It also gave a bit of a post-season story for the young Mr. Acuna:

Acuna was the best hope in baseball before creating an outstanding rookie season. Speaking of this rookie season, he has hit 26 homesticks in 111 regular season games. So, this power shot is not a surprise to anyone who has watched.

As for Buehler, he only made nine shots on 27 shots in the second run. One of those strikes he would like to have back.

Snitker was not kidding

Being 0-2, the Braves were eliminated in Game 3. This of course was not lost by Atlanta manager Brian Snitker. The surest sign of this was when he raised starter Sean Newcomb (shortly after leaving him battling with loaded bases) with two outs and two on the top of the third, while he had a 5-0 lead. Kevin Gausman came in, and a single from Justin Turner plus a mistake from Acuna allowed two points to score before Machado started to let go. Snitker's aggressive hook, however, showed that he was taking no chances. He ended up using seven pitchers to win.

Markakis played a key role in the ninth

Joc Pederson distinguished in the 10th length of his match to lead the ninth. Here's the shot, but note Markakis' quick attack and throw right to limit Pederson to a base:

Justin Turner's march would force Pederson to be in second place, then a free throw on Machado's withdrawal (Kurt Suzuki should have blocked him) sent the riders to second and third places. If Markakis does not get the ball back so quickly, Pederson has a double and probably gets home to score the tying goal on that wild pitch (provided the sequences stay the same). It was a neglected moment, but Markakis's beautiful presentation on the fundamentals of the field outside made all the difference.

The brave are alive

The win in Game 3 means the Dodgers are now leading the series 2-1. The Dodgers need an extra win to qualify for the NLCS and face the Brewers, while the Braves must win the last two games. That would of course mean three consecutive wins over the Dodgers. The good news for the Braves is that the Dodgers have had 10 consecutive losses this season over three games or more.


The fourth game is scheduled for Monday at SunTrust Park in Atlanta. The first launch is scheduled at 16:30. AND. Mike Foltynewicz is the likely starter of the Braves and Rich Hill is aligned for the Dodgers.

LDS games will be broadcast on the FS1, TBS and MLB networks. Games on TBS and FS1 can be streamed on fuboTV (Free Trial). To view the full program, click here.

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