Final score of the Yankees match 2 against the Red Sox: Judge Sanchez encourages the Yankees to win while the ALDS beats the tie


The Yankees defeated the Red Sox on Saturday night in the second game of ALDS at Fenway Park by a score of 6-2. In doing so, they tied the best run of five in a match each.

Gary Sanchez to celebrate twiceAaron Judge went deep for a third consecutive game, and Masahiro Tanaka kept Boston under control for five innings. Opposite, left-handed Sox David Price wrote still a disappointing start to the season.

Now, here's what you need to know about Game 2.

Prize fights in the playoffs begin again

Price entered match 2 for Boston, trailing around a career 5.03 career in the playoffs. In addition, Price's upcoming teams were 0-9 in the playoffs that he started. Well, against the Yankees, he has done nothing to reverse these tendencies or suppress those critics …

It's one of the worst outputs of Price …

Price now has an EER in the playoffs of 5.30 in 74 2/3 innings. When he starts in the playoffs, as he did on Saturday night in Boston, he was even worse …

Not optimal, it's the least we can say. As for things, Price in three starts against the Yankees this season has now allowed 23 points in 17 1/3 inning. As for these two circuits, Judge hit one (see below) and almost inevitably, Gary Sanchez hit another …

What's disappointing for Price and the Red Sox is that the veteran southpaw had a strong rebound season and was particularly strong in the second half. However, these powerful Yankee bats can make any lefty look bad.

The judge continues to crush

Aaron Judge, a member of the Yankees team, is one of the best combo hitters of power and patience in baseball. Until here in the ALDS, the power has certainly been exposed. In the first game against Boston, he played 3 on 5 with a homer and then in the first leg of the second game he did it against David Price …

Not cheap! It's the judge's sixth round in his last eight playoff games, and there's also this …

Yes, do not forget that the judge dominated the Wild Card Game against the A's. He gives the Yanks exactly what they need now.

Tanaka has further intensified

Tanaka has essentially been the anti-Price in the playoffs. Upon entering the second match, Tanaka made a total of 1.44 in four in the season. Yes, the size of the sample is tiny (25 innings), but considering the evolution of Tanaka, the Yankees were expecting good things from him. That's what they have …

The only problem is Xander Bogaerts' solo shot in the fourth, which is not that bad against a Red Sox team that led the entire MLB during the regular season with points scored at home. After five starts in the playoffs, the Tanaka EAR is now at 1.50.

Sanchez provided the dagger

Of course, let's not assume anything when the Red Sox formation is in play, but Sanchez's second-round gave the Yankees a five-point lead in the seventh …

Mercy, it was a bomb, no doubt. He left the bat at 114.8 mph, and did a bit of history in terms of distance flown …

Before this match, Sanchez was in the funk, but you did not see the sign Saturday in Fenway.

Brasier and Sanchez had a moment

Harsh hostilities between these two old rivals? Not really, but with two points and two points in fifth, Boston reliever Ryan Brasier is a little impatient of Gary Sanchez's pace. Witness …

Go into the box, Brasier explained. He ends up doing it just in time to swing. Technically, it's a rookie who explains to Sanchez how to run his business. More relevant is that it is a young man of 30 years who explains to Sanchez how to manage his business.

It's basically a best-of-three series now

Obvious point, but deserves to be noted. The first team to win two more matches qualifies for the ALCS. This means that it is now a best-of-three series, and the Yankees, as the host country for Games 3 and 4, now have an advantage on their court.


The series is now moving to the Bronx. The third match is scheduled for Monday night and the first throw will be at 19:40. AND. Rick Porcello has to go to Boston, while Luis Severino gets busy with the Yankees.

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