Find her fairy tale: Inside, the first six months of Meghan Markle's kingship


Much has been written about the obvious benefits of enrolling in The Firm.

Since the addition Prince HarryThe bride to her growing list of achievements May 19, Meghan Markle has opened the door to a wardrobe worthy of lust (while accessible brands such as Club Monaco and Asos are still at the rendezvous, they are usually eclipsed by tastes such as Givenchy, Oscar de la Renta and Dior), manages to live a real palace and has a job description that basically boils down to changing the world. In addition, she sometimes wears tiaras and spends her holidays with the Clooneys.

But while talking to Yahoo! From the United Kingdom The royal box in August, Princess DianaThe former butler Paul Burrell has kept all its meaning to describe the disadvantages of a life spent in the fish bowl that is the Kensington Palace. "It is interesting to note that Meghan has just joined the biggest soap opera in the world and that she has just landed the biggest role of her life as an actress," he said. "I think, yes, she wanted to be famous, she had everything she wanted, but I [also] think "pay attention to what you want" because sometimes it's not all that it seems. "

And sometimes, getting everything you hoped for also means taking a lot of things that you would like to be able to reject. The seemingly endless unilateral quarrel of 37 years with his father Thomas Markle and half sister Samantha Markle dominated the headlines for much of his first six months of royalty. While Samantha threw insults from her Twitter page – likening her separated brother / sister to Cruella de Vill and his prince to a hamster, the former Markle offered his misinformed view of royalty to any media so inclined to listen.

When he did not call the palace a breeding ground for Stepford's wives and Scientologists, he was confused about the misery he felt for his little girl. "I think she's terrified," said Markle The sun. "I see it in his eyes, I see it in his face and I see it in his smile, I see her smile for years, I know her smile, I do not like the one I see now. Is not even a stage smile – it's a painful smile. "

Despite, you know, all the evidence to the contrary.

Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex

Tim Rooke / REX / Shutterstock

And yet, it is Meghan and Harry who have been put in defense. Some members of the public felt that the royal family could have done more to accommodate the former director of lighting based in Rosarita, Mexico, as in the case of Meghan's mother. Doria Ragland. As the only relative at the Windsor Castle wedding, Ragland stood proudly as she watched her daughter become the Duchess of Sussex and was then escorted into the alley by prince Charles and Duchess Camillashe had met during the afternoon, a few days earlier.

"There is no protocol for people like Thomas Markle, or step-parents, and people who marry in the royal family are lost at sea," Burrell said. The royal box. "They kissed Meghan, they took care of Meghan's safety, but what about all the people in her world? I think they need to think about that, that's it." is a problem. "

Meghan's nephew: making the most of his blue blood associations by accepting a role on MTV International The royal world-Also blamed the old Suit star ("Since Hollywood and being in this series, it's a celebrity who has changed her. Maybe she's feeling above everyone else, maybe even more now ", did he declare. The daily mail) and the whole of the monarchy.

"My family has been torn apart," said the Oregon – based marijuana dealer (he concocted a special variety of Markle Sparkle in honor of the wedding). "If we had some advice and help, maybe from the royal family, we could have avoided a lot of that stuff."

Harry, who, apart from a few incidents in his rapscallion youth, was used to being generally loved and found himself suddenly trapped in the management of the situation. It hurt him to see his fiancée suffer, but he also learned too well from Queen Elizabeth II that publicly recognizing the problem would simply give him more life.

Meghan, meanwhile, was caught in a loser-loser situation. By continuing to freeze her father, she might appear every day like the ice queen that her sister was tagging, but giving in, was to risk giving her a new batch of documents that could end up on the pages. of The sun or TMZ.

There were certainly times when she wanted to defend herself in the press, a source noted at We weeklybut "Harry would never leave her." Having lived and learned, the 34-year-old knows that "it only makes things worse".

Nevertheless, it weighed on Meghan, even more heavily when she had to be afraid to show up when she entered London. "She knows these tactics will not stop," a magazine source said. "It's sad that it continues – and that puts Meghan very badly at ease."

No wonder the couple found themselves looking for some escape. After a honeymoon in Africa so private, Harry was just revealing that they had not been to Namibia, as some had thought. They spent some time in August with Charles and Camilla at Castle of Mey, Scotland's Scottish family estate.

Prince Charles, Camilla, Prince Willliam, Kate Middleton, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, Prince Louis, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle "data-width =" 1024 "data-height =" 759

Chris Jackson / Clarence House via Getty Images

Harry's parents were, in many ways, the exact opposite of Meghan's problematic kinship. When Thomas left his role in the marriage, Charles did not delay to intervene. "I asked him and I think he knew it was going to happen, and he immediately said," Yes, of course, I'll do whatever Meghan needs and I'm here to support you. " revealed Harry in the BBC One documentary. Prince, son and heir: Charles at age 70. "For him it is a fantastic opportunity to step up and be that support, and you know that it is our father, so of course he will be there for us."

This continued as Thomas intensified his antagonistic efforts against the royal family. A source said The daily mail Meghan's drama "tied him even closer to Charles", with the Prince of Wales well versed in the types of antics that problem parents can face. "He has a weakness for her," said another insider Vanity Fair"and think it's the best thing that happened to Harry."

And there was their August getaway at Casa Clooney, on Lake Como, a natural stop in the bond Meghan had formed with Amal Clooney, the lawyer undoubtedly understands what was the transition from professional awareness to a global recognition based on a dating decision.

Their most frequent getaway, however, was at their Cotswold's cottage on the bucolic 4,000-acre Grand Tew Estate that they signed a two-year lease shortly after their wedding. "They spend a lot of time in the Cotswolds, more than people realize," said one of his friends. Vanity Fair. "They are much more in the country than in London and enjoy a discreet and very domesticated childhood."

At 90 minutes outside London, they do not come to have tea with their neighbors and do not have to worry about stray photographers. "It is very clear that they want to be deprived and left alone," said one resident Vanity Fair. "The property is in the middle of a forest and you would not know it was there.It is very far away, which is why they like it.C & # 39; is like a fortress, there's a huge security presence, you can not get close to it. "

The couple had even more reason to wish a little privacy this fall, thanks to the little secret that hides between them.

On the eve of their long-awaited tour to Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga, they finally let the world in, probably considering 16 days of trying to cover the middle section and Meghan's craft apology if she missed one. dozens of events for a bit of a lie down.

As expected, the ad returned the script, even Samantha said to The sun"This must make everything that has happened in the last year disappear." Aside from an interview with Thomas revealing that he had learned the news when it was made public (on the radio, in reality) like everyone else, attention focused on the lower half of Meghan, the Duchess instinctively giving what the audience wanted, hugging Teeny hump bump at every turn.

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, cradle for baby

Kirsty Wigglesworth / PA Thread

With only a year and a half of service, Meghan has barely scratched the surface of what she hopes to accomplish. After collaborating on the writing of a cookbook for the benefit of the Hubb Community Kitchen, which helped survivors of the devastating Grenfell Tower fire in 2017, she committed to doing more. "The Duchess has made regular private visits to Hubb's kitchen and women and will continue to do so," said a palace. source said the British paper The mirror. "She said how moved she was by their courage and solidarity, and hoped that by working together and collaborating on projects such as the book, they might find the strength to go from there. before."

Echoing another inside, "Behind closed doors, she took to heart and considers that it is her duty to help the survivors after being so deeply moved by their stories. She has promised to support them as long as she needs to. "

Lorraine Heggessey, CEO of the Royal Foundation, predicts that she will look for new causes that focus on women's empowerment, saying: People"She is a very smart woman, and I think she will find her royal voice in a manner that suits her personality."

Meghan Markle, New Zealand, Children "data-width =" 1024 "data-height =" 759

Ian Vogler – Pool / Getty Images

First of all, though, she has some administrative tasks to do. The daily mail recently revealed that Meghan's personal assistant had "suddenly resigned", which left the palace officials stunned. "It's a real shock," said the anonymous Kensington Palace source, "Why would she want to leave such a prestigious job so quickly?"

That the release comes shortly after Harry's private secretary, Edward Lane Fox, announced that he was ending his years, has complicated the British newspaper, insinuating how difficult it can be for staff to managing both Meghan's family drama and his former agent Gina. Nelthorpe-Cowne described special and careful attention. "Losing a family member can happen to anyone," admits the source. "Losing three in a few months, it's starting to look like a rush."

The third, however, was former deputy private secretary to the queen, Samantha Cohen, who was replacing acting Lane Fox. And she's not out yet with Vanity Fair reporting that the couple hopes to convince the former Australian journalist to stay.

Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry and Queen Elizabeth II "data-width =" 1024 "data-height =" 759

Pictures of John Stillwell / PA Wire / AP

Charged with guiding Meghan into her new royal life, the Duchess loved her a lot, the newspaper said, while Harry had known her for 17 years that she was working at Buckingham Palace. "They are aware that they have lost some key members of their staff in the last few months," said one insider, "but they really love Sam and want her to stay."

Another source notes that they should not worry: "She is working on long-term projects and stays put for the moment."

Which is good with the couple working on a long-term project of their own. Although they have not yet made the planned move to the much more spacious and family friendly 1-bedroom apartment in Kensington Palace and the names still remain to be done, the parents have already begun the arduous task of getting ready for their little lady or count. (For the record, Harry is hoping for a lady, red hair optional.)

Omid Scobie, royal contributor, told We weekly the duo is determined to "raise children who know the values ​​of the normal things of life". Although Prince William and Kate Middleton have bothered to give Prince George5 Princess Charlotte, 3 and Prince LouisIn 7 months, the most average life possible, Harry and Meghan have a plan to go even further.

"Meghan will take her kids to the subway, they'll do housework and a job someday," Scobie told the magazine. "They will not be spoiled."

After all, Meghan knows very well that the pitfalls of the royal life are all filled with reservations. But fortunately, she has the best trump of her new world at her side and in her corner, with Harry never hesitating in his belief that their love, their bond has always been destined to be.

"So you know, the fact that I fell in love with Meghan, that I fell in love with Meghan so quickly, somehow confirmed to me that everything, all the stars were aligned," he explained. in her engagement interview, almost a year ago today. "I know that the fact that she's really incredibly good at work is almost a big relief for me because she'll be able to cope with everything that comes with that, but no, no, we're a fantastic team. We know we are, and we hope, over time, to try to have the most impact possible on everything we care about. "

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