Finding extraterrestrial life a step further after the breakthrough of Scottish scientists


Finding extraterrestrial life has taken a step further after a breakthrough by Scottish scientists.

A tool has been developed that measures the level of excitation generated by any potential extraterrestrial signal.

It was compared to the Richter Scale used to calculate the size of earthquakes – appropriate as the discovery of additional terresstrials will send shockwaves across the planet.

The tool, created by Dr. Duncan Forgan's team at the Exoplanet Science Center of the University of St Andrews, was inspired by Facebook and Twitter – and the phenomenon of "false news ".

This is an updated version of the Rio scale used by astronomers since 2001 to communicate their observations to the public

. Social media in mind, it redefines the scale for extraterrestrial detection, says the team.

It takes into account the consequences for humans if the signal comes from extraterrestrials, as well as the probability that it is from them and not a natural or human phenomenon.

The scale, called Rio 2.0, gives a score between zero and ten, so that the public can quickly see how much a signal is really important.

Dr. Forgan said, "What are the consequences for the human race if we have encountered extraterrestrial intelligence? If you see a story about foreigners on television or online, what should be your enthusiasm?"

Described in the International Journal of Astrobiology, the tool gives a score between zero and ten, so that the public can quickly see the importance of a signal

Dr. Jill Tarter, pioneer of the alien hunt, co-founder of the SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) Institute in Mountain View, California, said: "The whole world knows the Richter scale for quantify earthquake; This number is reported immediately after an earthquake and then refined as more data is consolidated.

"The SETI community is attempting to create a scale that can accompany reports of any claims of extraterrestrial intelligence detection and be refined over time.

" This scale should reflect the importance and the credibility of the claimed detection.

"Rio 2.0 is an attempt to update the scale to make it more useful and compatible with current modes of information dissemination, such as"

Many dubious signals have been Reported as being "extraterrestrials" in recent years, and it is increasingly difficult to learn the truth about these stories.As such, an update of the Rio Scale is needed

Dr. Forgan said, coupled with increased efforts to detect alien intelligence by teams around the world, the Rio scale is more necessary than ever. It must remain relevant when He communicates to the public about "alien signals"

The review of his Rio Scale by his team aims to establish a consensus among academic disciplines, by classifying signals potentially indicating the Existence of an extraterrest life Advanced re can quickly calibrate the public's expectations of a signal signal, and educate them on how SETI scientists are actually evaluating a signal.

This is its initial detection through the various verification steps necessary to determine if a signal is credible. 19659002] The key to research is also the development of consistent terminology to discuss signals, both among researchers and in the media.

The team released an online Rio Scale calculator, an interactive tool for scientists and scientific communicators to evaluate signals and give advice on how to use them to better account for mid-sized companies in the media.

Dr. Forgan said, "It is absolutely crucial when we talk about something as immensely significant as the discovery of intelligent life beyond the Earth, we do it clearly and carefully

"Having Rio 2.0 allows us to quickly classify a signal in a way that is understandable to the general public. and helps us keep their trust in a world filled with false news. "

The new Rio Scale has now been submitted to the Standing Committee of the International Academy of Astronautics on SETI for official ratification.

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