Finn Jones reacts to Netflix's cancellation of "Iron Fists" after two seasons


After two seasons, Netflix said Friday they have decided to unplug their Marvel series. Iron fist. Finn Jones, the star of the martial arts superhero, is thinking about the news.

"I have a lot of love and respect for everyone who has participated in the last two seasons of this show," he subtitled a photo of himself in the green and yellow clothes of the character. "Defending the largest city in the world with the most talented and friendly people has been a privilege and a joy. Happy to have taken this path and grateful for continued support. "

In addition to the two seasons of the series, the 30-year-old actor also appeared under the name of Immortal Iron Fist in The defenders miniseries and the second season of Luke Cage. And although the show is canceled, his character will certainly return to other shows, as Netflix suggested in his cancellation statement.

"Marvel's Iron Fist will not be coming back for a third season on Netflix. Everyone at Marvel Television and Netflix is ​​proud of the series and grateful for the hard work of the incredible part of its actors, crews and animators, "said Netflix, via Vanity Fair. "We are grateful to the fans who watched these two seasons and for the partnership we shared on this series. While the series on Netflix is ​​over, the immortal Iron Fist will continue to live. "

Daredevil just released season threeand Jessica Jones, The punisher and Luke Cage are all preparing for another season. And another possible miniseries of The defenders reveals that Marvel Television's partnership with Netflix continues to fly despite this news cancellation.

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